favorite sport survey

Steiermark vs Vienna Timberwolves

H2H statistics for Steiermark vs Vienna Timberwolves: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Steiermark vs Vienna Timberwolves Head-to-Head comparison.

Steiermark vs Vienna Timberwolves H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Steiermark Vienna Timberwolves
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 1 0 1 0 1
Won 0 0 0 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 0 0 0
Average Points For 56 56 0 78 0 78
Average Points Against 78 78 0 56 0 56

Form Statistics

Steiermark Vienna Timberwolves
30/11 Zweite Liga Vienna Timber.. H
56 - 78
24/11 Zweite Liga Dornbirn Lions A
69 - 56
17/11 Zweite Liga Mistelbach H
47 - 109
10/11 Zweite Liga Vienna United H
49 - 81
02/11 Zweite Liga Gussing Black.. A
65 - 55
26/10 Zweite Liga Mattersburg H
57 - 81
20/10 Zweite Liga Traiskirchen .. A
79 - 47
12/10 Zweite Liga Celovec H
85 - 68
30/11 Zweite Liga Vienna Timber..
56 - 78
17/11 Zweite Liga Mistelbach
47 - 109
10/11 Zweite Liga Vienna United
49 - 81
26/10 Zweite Liga Mattersburg
57 - 81
12/10 Zweite Liga Celovec
85 - 68
06/10 Zweite Liga Worthersee Pi..
59 - 98
18/02 Zweite Liga Basket Flames
101 - 51
03/02 Zweite Liga Kufstein
50 - 84
24/11 Zweite Liga Dornbirn Lions
69 - 56
02/11 Zweite Liga Gussing Black..
65 - 55
20/10 Zweite Liga Traiskirchen ..
79 - 47
28/09 Zweite Liga Kufstein
112 - 33
25/02 Zweite Liga Vienna United
77 - 62
10/02 Zweite Liga Gussing Black..
80 - 48
13/01 Zweite Liga Salzburg
81 - 41
16/12 Zweite Liga Mistelbach
108 - 46
30/11 Zweite Liga Steiermark A
56 - 78
24/11 Zweite Liga Upper Austria.. A
89 - 84
16/11 Zweite Liga Gussing Black.. H
80 - 57
09/11 Zweite Liga Worthersee Pi.. A
72 - 58
01/11 Zweite Liga Mistelbach H
70 - 86
26/10 Zweite Liga Salzburg A
78 - 67
20/10 Zweite Liga Wagram H
66 - 73
12/10 Zweite Liga Vienna United H
63 - 60
16/11 Zweite Liga Gussing Black..
80 - 57
01/11 Zweite Liga Mistelbach
70 - 86
20/10 Zweite Liga Wagram
66 - 73
12/10 Zweite Liga Vienna United
63 - 60
28/10 Austria Cup Wels
63 - 88
21/12 Austria Cup Swans Gmunden
63 - 94
08/12 Austria Cup Oberwart Gunn..
59 - 69
26/10 Austria Cup Oberwart Gunn..
61 - 72
30/11 Zweite Liga Steiermark
56 - 78
24/11 Zweite Liga Upper Austria..
89 - 84
09/11 Zweite Liga Worthersee Pi..
72 - 58
26/10 Zweite Liga Salzburg
78 - 67
05/10 Zweite Liga Raiders Tirol
64 - 86
28/09 Zweite Liga Traiskirchen ..
56 - 72
30/08 Club Friendly Bc Komarno
93 - 65
01/11 Austria Cup Wagram
62 - 72
Tables Steiermark Vienna Timberwolves
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 4 4
Won 1 1 0 3 2 1
Lost 7 4 3 5 2 3
Average Points For 56.5 58.8 52.67 70.75 69.75 71.75
Average Points Against 78.75 83.4 71 71.38 69 73.75
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Steiermark Vienna Timberwolves
Zweite Liga, Austria Total Home Away
Rank 13
Matches Played 10 6 4
Won 1 1 0
Lost 9 5 4
Percentage 0.1 0.17 0
Record 1-9 1-5 0-4
Average Points For 54.4 58.83 47.75
Average Points Against 84 85.83 81.25
Difference -29.6 -27 -33.5
Zweite Liga, Austria Total Home Away
Rank 6
Matches Played 10 4 6
Won 5 2 3
Lost 5 2 3
Percentage 0.5 0.5 0.5
Record 5-5 2-2 3-3
Average Points For 72.4 69.75 74.17
Average Points Against 69.1 69 69.17
Difference 3.3 0.75 5