favorite sport survey

Srsni Pisek vs USK Prague

H2H statistics for Srsni Pisek vs USK Prague: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Srsni Pisek vs USK Prague Head-to-Head comparison.

Srsni Pisek vs USK Prague H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Srsni Pisek USK Prague
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 5 3 2 5 2 3
Won 2 1 1 3 1 2
Lost 3 2 1 2 1 1
Average Points For 80.8 71.67 94.5 82.6 87 79.67
Average Points Against 82.6 79.67 87 80.8 94.5 71.67

Form Statistics

Srsni Pisek USK Prague
30/11 Nbl Usk Prague A
87 - 106
27/11 Czech Cup Usti N. Labem B A
49 - 90
17/11 Nbl Nh Ostrava H
89 - 78
09/11 Nbl Brno A
79 - 93
02/11 Nbl Nymburk A
115 - 77
30/10 Nbl Pardubice H
76 - 75
27/10 Nbl Usti N. Labem A
61 - 72
20/10 Nbl Opava H
86 - 97
17/11 Nbl Nh Ostrava
89 - 78
30/10 Nbl Pardubice
76 - 75
20/10 Nbl Opava
86 - 97
09/10 Nbl Slavia Prague
81 - 66
06/10 Nbl Jindrichuv Hr..
109 - 53
29/09 Nbl Usk Prague
99 - 89
22/09 Nbl Brno
95 - 74
03/04 Nbl Olomoucko
96 - 88
30/11 Nbl Usk Prague
87 - 106
27/11 Czech Cup Usti N. Labem B
49 - 90
09/11 Nbl Brno
79 - 93
02/11 Nbl Nymburk
115 - 77
27/10 Nbl Usti N. Labem
61 - 72
12/10 Nbl Olomoucko
103 - 107
02/10 Nbl Decin
85 - 97
25/09 Nbl Nh Ostrava
88 - 97
30/11 Nbl Srsni Pisek H
87 - 106
27/11 Czech Cup Decin 2 A
76 - 107
16/11 Nbl Decin A
73 - 67
09/11 Nbl Jindrichuv Hr.. A
83 - 86
02/11 Nbl Nh Ostrava A
86 - 71
30/10 Nbl Brno H
67 - 87
26/10 Nbl Nymburk A
91 - 77
19/10 Nbl Pardubice H
94 - 82
30/11 Nbl Srsni Pisek
87 - 106
30/10 Nbl Brno
67 - 87
19/10 Nbl Pardubice
94 - 82
09/10 Nbl Opava
86 - 78
02/10 Nbl Slavia Prague
81 - 63
25/09 Nbl Decin
65 - 71
21/09 Nbl Jindrichuv Hr..
98 - 86
10/04 Nbl Olomoucko
66 - 76
27/11 Czech Cup Decin 2
76 - 107
16/11 Nbl Decin
73 - 67
09/11 Nbl Jindrichuv Hr..
83 - 86
02/11 Nbl Nh Ostrava
86 - 71
26/10 Nbl Nymburk
91 - 77
13/10 Nbl Usti N. Labem
87 - 57
05/10 Nbl Olomoucko
80 - 88
29/09 Nbl Srsni Pisek
99 - 89
Tables Srsni Pisek USK Prague
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 3 5
Won 6 2 4 3 1 2
Lost 2 1 1 5 2 3
Average Points For 86.12 83.67 87.6 82 82.67 81.6
Average Points Against 80.12 83.33 78.2 85.5 91.67 81.8
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Srsni Pisek USK Prague
NBL, Czech Republic Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 14 7 7
Won 12 6 6
Lost 2 1 1
Percentage 0.86 0.86 0.86
Record 12-2 6-1 6-1
Average Points For 91.71 90.71 92.71
Average Points Against 82.14 76 88.29
Difference 9.57 14.71 4.42
NBL, Czech Republic Total Home Away
Rank 7
Matches Played 14 7 7
Won 6 4 2
Lost 8 3 5
Percentage 0.43 0.57 0.29
Record 6-8 4-3 2-5
Average Points For 79.5 82.57 76.43
Average Points Against 83.71 81.86 85.57
Difference -4.21 0.71 -9.14