favorite sport survey

Posusje vs Siroki Brijeg

H2H statistics for Posusje vs Siroki Brijeg: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Posusje vs Siroki Brijeg Head-to-Head comparison.

Posusje vs Siroki Brijeg H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Posusje Siroki Brijeg
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 7 4 3 7 3 4
Won 0 0 0 7 3 4
Lost 7 4 3 0 0 0
Average Points For 64.86 63 67.33 87.14 89.33 85.5
Average Points Against 87.14 85.5 89.33 64.86 67.33 63

Form Statistics

Posusje Siroki Brijeg
30/11 Prvenstvo Bih Siroki Brijeg H
78 - 92
16/11 Prvenstvo Bih Slavija A
99 - 50
08/11 Prvenstvo Bih Borac Banja L.. A
94 - 69
02/11 Prvenstvo Bih Promo A
76 - 66
26/10 Prvenstvo Bih Leotar Trebinje H
55 - 82
19/10 Prvenstvo Bih Spars Ilidza A
72 - 65
13/10 Prvenstvo Bih Mrkonjic Grad H
70 - 99
01/05 Prvenstvo Bih Leotar Trebinje H
84 - 85
30/11 Prvenstvo Bih Siroki Brijeg
78 - 92
26/10 Prvenstvo Bih Leotar Trebinje
55 - 82
13/10 Prvenstvo Bih Mrkonjic Grad
70 - 99
01/05 Prvenstvo Bih Leotar Trebinje
84 - 85
24/04 Prvenstvo Bih Promo
95 - 78
10/04 Prvenstvo Bih Slavija
88 - 53
03/04 Prvenstvo Bih Orlovik
93 - 73
30/03 Prvenstvo Bih Prijedor
90 - 67
16/11 Prvenstvo Bih Slavija
99 - 50
08/11 Prvenstvo Bih Borac Banja L..
94 - 69
02/11 Prvenstvo Bih Promo
76 - 66
19/10 Prvenstvo Bih Spars Ilidza
72 - 65
28/04 Prvenstvo Bih Slavija
90 - 86
20/04 Prvenstvo Bih Orlovik
82 - 74
17/04 Prvenstvo Bih Prijedor
103 - 75
13/04 Prvenstvo Bih Leotar Trebinje
94 - 80
30/11 Prvenstvo Bih Posusje A
78 - 92
17/11 Prvenstvo Bih Sloboda H
75 - 85
13/11 Aba League 2 Podgorica A
53 - 67
09/11 Prvenstvo Bih Orlovik A
67 - 90
02/11 Prvenstvo Bih Kk Bosna H
85 - 86
29/10 Aba League 2 Podgorica H
87 - 93
25/10 Prvenstvo Bih Jahorina H
90 - 64
20/10 Prvenstvo Bih Slavija A
77 - 84
17/11 Prvenstvo Bih Sloboda
75 - 85
02/11 Prvenstvo Bih Kk Bosna
85 - 86
29/10 Aba League 2 Podgorica
87 - 93
25/10 Prvenstvo Bih Jahorina
90 - 64
11/10 Prvenstvo Bih Borac Banja L..
81 - 68
13/09 Club Friendly Zadar
75 - 82
22/05 Prvenstvo Bih Igokea
70 - 77
14/05 Prvenstvo Bih Igokea
77 - 84
30/11 Prvenstvo Bih Posusje
78 - 92
13/11 Aba League 2 Podgorica
53 - 67
09/11 Prvenstvo Bih Orlovik
67 - 90
20/10 Prvenstvo Bih Slavija
77 - 84
16/10 Aba League 2 Joker
110 - 95
01/10 Aba League 2 Pelister
74 - 72
06/09 Club Friendly Dubrava (Cro)
86 - 76
18/05 Prvenstvo Bih Igokea
96 - 82
Tables Posusje Siroki Brijeg
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 0 0 0 5 1 4
Lost 8 4 4 3 3 0
Average Points For 67.12 71.75 62.5 83.75 84.25 83.25
Average Points Against 87.38 89.5 85.25 75.38 82 68.75
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Posusje Siroki Brijeg
Prvenstvo BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina Total Home Away
Rank 14
Matches Played 7 3 4
Won 0 0 0
Lost 7 3 4
Percentage 0 0 0
Record 0-7 0-3 0-4
Average Points For 64.71 67.67 62.5
Average Points Against 87.71 91 85.25
Difference -23 -23.33 -22.75
Prvenstvo BiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 7 4 3
Won 5 2 3
Lost 2 2 0
Percentage 0.71 0.5 1
Record 5-2 2-2 3-0
Average Points For 85.29 82.75 88.67
Average Points Against 75 75.75 74
Difference 10.29 7 14.67