Meralco Bolts vs NLEX Road Warriors

H2H statistics for Meralco Bolts vs NLEX Road Warriors: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Meralco Bolts vs NLEX Road Warriors Head-to-Head comparison.

Meralco Bolts vs NLEX Road Warriors H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Meralco Bolts NLEX Road Warriors
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 6 4 10 4 6
Won 7 4 3 3 1 2
Lost 3 2 1 7 3 4
Average Points For 97.2 99.67 93.5 92.4 90 94
Average Points Against 92.4 94 90 97.2 93.5 99.67

Form Statistics

Meralco Bolts NLEX Road Warriors
18/01 Commissioners Cup San Miguel Be.. A
93 - 100
14/01 Commissioners Cup Northport H
111 - 94
10/01 Commissioners Cup Nlex Road War.. A
91 - 105
07/01 Commissioners Cup Tnt Tropang G.. H
99 - 101
05/01 Commissioners Cup Hong Kong Eas.. A
83 - 88
25/12 Commissioners Cup Converge Fibe.. H
94 - 110
12/12 Commissioners Cup Blackwater Bo.. A
114 - 98
06/12 Commissioners Cup Terrafirma Dyip H
96 - 91
14/01 Commissioners Cup Northport
111 - 94
07/01 Commissioners Cup Tnt Tropang G..
99 - 101
25/12 Commissioners Cup Converge Fibe..
94 - 110
06/12 Commissioners Cup Terrafirma Dyip
96 - 91
01/12 Commissioners Cup Rain Or Shine..
121 - 111
30/09 Governors Cup Barangay Gine..
106 - 113
26/09 Governors Cup Barangay Gine..
92 - 99
18/09 Governors Cup Converge Fibe..
97 - 105
18/01 Commissioners Cup San Miguel Be..
93 - 100
10/01 Commissioners Cup Nlex Road War..
91 - 105
05/01 Commissioners Cup Hong Kong Eas..
83 - 88
12/12 Commissioners Cup Blackwater Bo..
114 - 98
29/11 Commissioners Cup Phoenix Fuelm..
109 - 111
28/09 Governors Cup Barangay Gine..
104 - 103
21/09 Governors Cup Terrafirma Dyip
82 - 124
14/09 Governors Cup Northport
104 - 114
25/01 Commissioners Cup Rain Or Shine.. A
110 - 122
19/01 Commissioners Cup Phoenix Fuelm.. A
94 - 108
15/01 Commissioners Cup Tnt Tropang G.. H
87 - 94
10/01 Commissioners Cup Meralco Bolts H
91 - 105
20/12 Commissioners Cup Magnolia Hots.. A
99 - 95
17/12 Commissioners Cup Converge Fibe.. A
102 - 91
11/12 Commissioners Cup Barangay Gine.. H
100 - 109
08/12 Commissioners Cup San Miguel Be.. H
104 - 99
15/01 Commissioners Cup Tnt Tropang G..
87 - 94
10/01 Commissioners Cup Meralco Bolts
91 - 105
11/12 Commissioners Cup Barangay Gine..
100 - 109
08/12 Commissioners Cup San Miguel Be..
104 - 99
30/11 Commissioners Cup Blackwater Bo..
107 - 95
01/10 Governors Cup Tnt Tropang G..
96 - 125
27/09 Governors Cup Tnt Tropang G..
93 - 90
22/09 Governors Cup Barangay Gine..
103 - 99
25/01 Commissioners Cup Rain Or Shine..
110 - 122
19/01 Commissioners Cup Phoenix Fuelm..
94 - 108
20/12 Commissioners Cup Magnolia Hots..
99 - 95
17/12 Commissioners Cup Converge Fibe..
102 - 91
03/12 Commissioners Cup Terrafirma Dyip
85 - 104
28/11 Commissioners Cup Northport
114 - 87
29/09 Governors Cup Tnt Tropang G..
109 - 91
25/09 Governors Cup Tnt Tropang G..
107 - 102
Tables Meralco Bolts NLEX Road Warriors
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 5 2 3 3 1 2
Lost 3 2 1 5 3 2
Average Points For 98.88 100 97.75 99.75 95.5 104
Average Points Against 97.12 99 95.25 101.5 101.75 101.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Meralco Bolts NLEX Road Warriors
Total Home Away
Matches Played 0 0 0
Won 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0
Percentage - - -
Record 0-0 0-0 0-0
Average Points For - - -
Average Points Against - - -
Difference - - -
Total Home Away
Matches Played 0 0 0
Won 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0
Percentage - - -
Record 0-0 0-0 0-0
Average Points For - - -
Average Points Against - - -
Difference - - -