Las Vegas Aces W vs Seattle Storm W

H2H statistics for Las Vegas Aces W vs Seattle Storm W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Las Vegas Aces W vs Seattle Storm W Head-to-Head comparison.

Las Vegas Aces W vs Seattle Storm W H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Las Vegas Aces W Seattle Storm W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 6 4 10 4 6
Won 9 5 4 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 9 4 5
Average Points For 87.2 86.5 88.25 72.2 69.5 74
Average Points Against 72.2 74 69.5 87.2 88.25 86.5

Form Statistics

Las Vegas Aces W Seattle Storm W
06/10 Wnba New York Libe.. H
62 - 76
05/10 Wnba New York Libe.. H
95 - 81
01/10 Wnba New York Libe.. A
88 - 84
29/09 Wnba New York Libe.. A
87 - 77
25/09 Wnba Seattle Storm W H
83 - 76
23/09 Wnba Seattle Storm W H
78 - 67
20/09 Wnba Dallas Wings W H
98 - 84
18/09 Wnba Seattle Storm W A
72 - 85
06/10 Wnba New York Libe..
62 - 76
05/10 Wnba New York Libe..
95 - 81
25/09 Wnba Seattle Storm W
83 - 76
23/09 Wnba Seattle Storm W
78 - 67
20/09 Wnba Dallas Wings W
98 - 84
15/09 Wnba Connecticut S..
84 - 71
04/09 Wnba Chicago Sky W
90 - 71
31/08 Wnba Atlanta Dream W
83 - 72
01/10 Wnba New York Libe..
88 - 84
29/09 Wnba New York Libe..
87 - 77
18/09 Wnba Seattle Storm W
72 - 85
13/09 Wnba Indiana Fever W
74 - 78
11/09 Wnba Indiana Fever W
75 - 86
08/09 Wnba New York Libe..
75 - 71
06/09 Wnba Connecticut S..
67 - 72
01/09 Wnba Phoenix Mercu..
79 - 97
25/09 Wnba Las Vegas Ace.. A
83 - 76
23/09 Wnba Las Vegas Ace.. A
78 - 67
20/09 Wnba Phoenix Mercu.. A
70 - 89
18/09 Wnba Las Vegas Ace.. H
72 - 85
15/09 Wnba Los Angeles S.. H
90 - 87
13/09 Wnba Dallas Wings W A
81 - 83
12/09 Wnba Los Angeles S.. A
82 - 90
08/09 Wnba Phoenix Mercu.. H
90 - 66
18/09 Wnba Las Vegas Ace..
72 - 85
15/09 Wnba Los Angeles S..
90 - 87
08/09 Wnba Phoenix Mercu..
90 - 66
31/08 Wnba New York Libe..
85 - 98
29/08 Wnba Atlanta Dream W
85 - 81
27/08 Wnba Washington My..
72 - 74
14/07 Wnba Atlanta Dream W
81 - 70
13/07 Wnba Minnesota Lyn..
91 - 63
25/09 Wnba Las Vegas Ace..
83 - 76
23/09 Wnba Las Vegas Ace..
78 - 67
20/09 Wnba Phoenix Mercu..
70 - 89
13/09 Wnba Dallas Wings W
81 - 83
12/09 Wnba Los Angeles S..
82 - 90
05/09 Wnba New York Libe..
77 - 70
03/09 Wnba Connecticut S..
64 - 71
01/09 Wnba Connecticut S..
93 - 86
Tables Las Vegas Aces W Seattle Storm W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 3 5
Won 5 4 1 5 2 3
Lost 3 1 2 3 1 2
Average Points For 82.75 83.2 82 82.12 84 81
Average Points Against 78.88 76.8 82.33 79 79.33 78.8
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Las Vegas Aces W Seattle Storm W
WNBA, USA Total Home Away
Rank -
Matches Played 46 24 22
Won 30 16 14
Lost 16 8 8
Percentage 0.65 0.67 0.64
Record 30-16 16-8 14-8
Average Points For 85.52 86.08 84.91
Average Points Against 80.67 80.62 80.73
Difference 4.85 5.46 4.18
WNBA, USA Total Home Away
Rank -
Matches Played 42 20 22
Won 25 14 11
Lost 17 6 11
Percentage 0.6 0.7 0.5
Record 25-17 14-6 11-11
Average Points For 82.67 84.85 80.68
Average Points Against 78.83 76.4 81.05
Difference 3.84 8.45 -0.37