favorite sport survey

Lancut vs Poznan

H2H statistics for Lancut vs Poznan: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Lancut vs Poznan Head-to-Head comparison.

Lancut vs Poznan H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Sat30/11/2024 1. Liga Lancut
86 - 76
Tables Lancut Poznan
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 1 0 1 0 1
Won 1 1 0 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 1 0 1
Average Points For 86 86 0 76 0 76
Average Points Against 76 76 0 86 0 86

Form Statistics

Lancut Poznan
30/11 1. Liga Poznan H
86 - 76
19/11 1. Liga Kotwica Kolob.. A
93 - 86
17/11 1. Liga Mkks Koszalin A
82 - 83
13/11 1. Liga Krosno H
72 - 79
02/11 1. Liga Trefl Sopot Ii H
98 - 96
26/10 1. Liga Inowroclaw (P.. A
97 - 80
23/10 1. Liga Polonia Warsz.. H
64 - 75
19/10 1. Liga Hydrotruck Ra.. A
76 - 81
30/11 1. Liga Poznan
86 - 76
13/11 1. Liga Krosno
72 - 79
02/11 1. Liga Trefl Sopot Ii
98 - 96
23/10 1. Liga Polonia Warsz..
64 - 75
16/10 1. Liga Gks Tychy
87 - 80
01/10 1. Liga Bydgoszcz
86 - 58
30/08 Club Friendly R. Rzeszow
99 - 68
20/04 Energa Basket L.. Gtk Gliwice
71 - 96
19/11 1. Liga Kotwica Kolob..
93 - 86
17/11 1. Liga Mkks Koszalin
82 - 83
26/10 1. Liga Inowroclaw (P..
97 - 80
19/10 1. Liga Hydrotruck Ra..
76 - 81
09/10 1. Liga Wkk Wroclaw
77 - 86
28/09 1. Liga Poli. Opolska
99 - 85
07/09 Club Friendly Polonia Warsz..
78 - 72
31/08 Club Friendly Gks Tychy
99 - 78
30/11 1. Liga Lancut A
86 - 76
24/11 1. Liga Hydrotruck Ra.. H
82 - 81
16/11 1. Liga Krosno A
98 - 81
13/11 1. Liga Trefl Sopot Ii H
100 - 84
09/11 1. Liga Polonia Warsz.. A
79 - 81
02/11 1. Liga Gks Tychy H
75 - 66
26/10 1. Liga Bydgoszcz H
85 - 92
23/10 1. Liga R. Rzeszow H
98 - 64
24/11 1. Liga Hydrotruck Ra..
82 - 81
13/11 1. Liga Trefl Sopot Ii
100 - 84
02/11 1. Liga Gks Tychy
75 - 66
26/10 1. Liga Bydgoszcz
85 - 92
23/10 1. Liga R. Rzeszow
98 - 64
13/10 1. Liga Slask Wroclaw..
103 - 73
05/10 1. Liga Kotwica Kolob..
93 - 80
14/04 1. Liga Sokol Miedzyc..
91 - 63
30/11 1. Liga Lancut
86 - 76
16/11 1. Liga Krosno
98 - 81
09/11 1. Liga Polonia Warsz..
79 - 81
19/10 1. Liga Starogard Gda..
81 - 69
09/10 1. Liga Mkks Koszalin
78 - 95
29/09 1. Liga Inowroclaw (P..
81 - 71
31/08 Club Friendly Inowroclaw (P..
73 - 76
05/04 1. Liga Wkk Wroclaw
75 - 93
Tables Lancut Poznan
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 5 3
Won 4 2 2 5 4 1
Lost 4 2 2 3 1 2
Average Points For 81.25 80 82.5 84.75 88 79.33
Average Points Against 84.25 81.5 87 81.25 77.4 87.67
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Lancut Poznan
1. Liga, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 7
Matches Played 12 6 6
Won 7 4 3
Lost 5 2 3
Percentage 0.58 0.67 0.5
Record 7-5 4-2 3-3
Average Points For 82.83 82.17 83.5
Average Points Against 82.33 77.33 87.33
Difference 0.5 4.84 -3.83
1. Liga, Poland Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 13 7 6
Won 8 6 2
Lost 5 1 4
Percentage 0.62 0.86 0.33
Record 8-5 6-1 2-4
Average Points For 85.31 90.86 78.83
Average Points Against 80.23 77.14 83.83
Difference 5.08 13.72 -5