KK Krka Novo mesto vs Sencur

H2H statistics for KK Krka Novo mesto vs Sencur: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the KK Krka Novo mesto vs Sencur Head-to-Head comparison.

KK Krka Novo mesto vs Sencur H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables KK Krka Novo mesto Sencur
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 3 7 10 7 3
Won 6 2 4 4 3 1
Lost 4 1 3 6 4 2
Average Points For 76.3 74.67 77 74.5 77.29 68
Average Points Against 74.5 68 77.29 76.3 77 74.67

Form Statistics

KK Krka Novo mesto Sencur
14/02 Slovenian Cup Cedevita Olim.. A
102 - 71
13/02 Slovenian Cup Tajfun Sentjur H
87 - 73
09/02 Aba League Studentski Ce.. A
101 - 90
01/02 Aba League Cibona H
92 - 97
25/01 Aba League Spartak Subot.. A
102 - 83
21/01 Liga Nova Kbm Zlatorog Lasko A
79 - 100
18/01 Aba League Borac H
79 - 90
14/01 Slovenian Cup Helios Domzale A
68 - 75
13/02 Slovenian Cup Tajfun Sentjur
87 - 73
01/02 Aba League Cibona
92 - 97
18/01 Aba League Borac
79 - 90
29/12 Aba League Crvena Zvezda..
67 - 79
26/12 Slovenian Cup Helios Domzale
99 - 74
14/12 Aba League Igokea
80 - 85
29/11 Aba League Mornar Bar
103 - 90
11/11 Aba League Fmp Beograd
106 - 109
14/02 Slovenian Cup Cedevita Olim..
102 - 71
09/02 Aba League Studentski Ce..
101 - 90
25/01 Aba League Spartak Subot..
102 - 83
21/01 Liga Nova Kbm Zlatorog Lasko
79 - 100
14/01 Slovenian Cup Helios Domzale
68 - 75
12/01 Aba League Mega Basket
87 - 94
05/01 Aba League Cedevita Olim..
84 - 82
22/12 Aba League Buducnost
97 - 87
01/02 Liga Nova Kbm Kk Triglav Kr.. H
83 - 80
27/01 Liga Nova Kbm Podcetrtek A
66 - 92
20/01 Liga Nova Kbm Tajfun Sentjur H
67 - 62
10/01 Liga Nova Kbm Rogaska H
92 - 68
04/01 Liga Nova Kbm Lth Castings A
75 - 94
21/12 Liga Nova Kbm Zlatorog Lasko H
66 - 61
17/12 Slovenian Cup Kk Triglav Kr.. H
90 - 89
14/12 Liga Nova Kbm Ilirija A
92 - 73
01/02 Liga Nova Kbm Kk Triglav Kr..
83 - 80
20/01 Liga Nova Kbm Tajfun Sentjur
67 - 62
10/01 Liga Nova Kbm Rogaska
92 - 68
21/12 Liga Nova Kbm Zlatorog Lasko
66 - 61
17/12 Slovenian Cup Kk Triglav Kr..
90 - 89
09/12 Liga Nova Kbm Helios Domzale
94 - 77
01/12 Liga Nova Kbm Kk Krka Novo ..
72 - 86
12/11 Slovenian Cup Lth Castings
75 - 81
27/01 Liga Nova Kbm Podcetrtek
66 - 92
04/01 Liga Nova Kbm Lth Castings
75 - 94
14/12 Liga Nova Kbm Ilirija
92 - 73
27/11 Slovenian Cup Kk Triglav Kr..
93 - 87
15/11 Liga Nova Kbm Kk Triglav Kr..
87 - 63
02/11 Liga Nova Kbm Tajfun Sentjur
80 - 69
26/10 Liga Nova Kbm Rogaska
79 - 67
15/10 Slovenian Cup Gorica
78 - 108
Tables KK Krka Novo mesto Sencur
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 5 3
Won 3 1 2 7 5 2
Lost 5 2 3 1 0 1
Average Points For 84.62 86 83.8 82.12 79.6 86.33
Average Points Against 89 86.67 90.4 74.12 72 77.67
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

KK Krka Novo mesto Sencur
Liga Nova KBM, Slovenia Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 4 2 2
Won 3 1 2
Lost 1 1 0
Percentage 0.75 0.5 1
Record 3-1 1-1 2-0
Average Points For 89.25 85.5 93
Average Points Against 73.75 72 75.5
Difference 15.5 13.5 17.5
Liga Nova KBM, Slovenia Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 17 9 8
Won 9 6 3
Lost 8 3 5
Percentage 0.53 0.67 0.38
Record 9-8 6-3 3-5
Average Points For 77.35 79.67 74.75
Average Points Against 76.53 74.89 78.38
Difference 0.82 4.78 -3.63