favorite sport survey

Killester vs UCC Demons

H2H statistics for Killester vs UCC Demons: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Killester vs UCC Demons Head-to-Head comparison.

Killester vs UCC Demons H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Killester UCC Demons
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 5 3 2 5 2 3
Won 3 2 1 2 1 1
Lost 2 1 1 3 1 2
Average Points For 94.2 92 97.5 86.6 88.5 85.33
Average Points Against 86.6 85.33 88.5 94.2 97.5 92

Form Statistics

Killester UCC Demons
30/11 Superleague Ucc Demons H
97 - 87
17/11 Superleague Ballincollig H
80 - 68
16/11 Superleague Neptune A
67 - 98
28/10 Superleague Kcyms H
97 - 91
25/10 Superleague Eanna A
80 - 84
19/10 Superleague Sligo A
80 - 87
13/10 Superleague Tralee Warriors H
63 - 82
12/10 Superleague Maree A
89 - 71
30/11 Superleague Ucc Demons
97 - 87
17/11 Superleague Ballincollig
80 - 68
28/10 Superleague Kcyms
97 - 91
13/10 Superleague Tralee Warriors
63 - 82
05/10 Superleague St. Vincent's
104 - 89
14/04 Superleague Eanna
61 - 93
30/03 Superleague Ucc Demons
98 - 82
16/03 Superleague Maree
72 - 80
16/11 Superleague Neptune
67 - 98
25/10 Superleague Eanna
80 - 84
19/10 Superleague Sligo
80 - 87
12/10 Superleague Maree
89 - 71
23/03 Superleague Ballincollig
70 - 83
10/03 Superleague Kcyms
61 - 87
02/03 Superleague Ulster
76 - 98
10/02 Superleague Dcu Saints
84 - 104
30/11 Superleague Killester A
97 - 87
29/11 Superleague Kcyms H
101 - 94
17/11 Superleague Maree H
96 - 82
16/11 Superleague Templeogue A
86 - 102
10/11 Superleague Neptune H
106 - 76
07/11 Superleague Ballincollig A
89 - 95
27/10 Superleague Sligo H
92 - 99
19/10 Superleague Belfast A
121 - 110
29/11 Superleague Kcyms
101 - 94
17/11 Superleague Maree
96 - 82
10/11 Superleague Neptune
106 - 76
27/10 Superleague Sligo
92 - 99
06/10 Superleague Tralee Warriors
80 - 93
17/03 Superleague Kcyms
110 - 62
10/03 Superleague Ulster
83 - 72
03/03 Superleague Neptune
101 - 94
30/11 Superleague Killester
97 - 87
16/11 Superleague Templeogue
86 - 102
07/11 Superleague Ballincollig
89 - 95
19/10 Superleague Belfast
121 - 110
13/10 Superleague St. Vincent's
82 - 90
12/10 Superleague Ucd Marian
89 - 94
30/03 Superleague Killester
98 - 82
24/03 Superleague Belfast
111 - 113
Tables Killester UCC Demons
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 6 3 3 5 3 2
Lost 2 1 1 3 1 2
Average Points For 84.62 84.25 85 98.62 98.75 98.5
Average Points Against 80.5 82 79 93 87.75 98.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Killester UCC Demons
SuperLeague, Ireland Total Home Away
Rank 2
Matches Played 9 5 4
Won 7 4 3
Lost 2 1 1
Percentage 0.78 0.8 0.75
Record 7-2 4-1 3-1
Average Points For 86.78 88.2 85
Average Points Against 81.44 83.4 79
Difference 5.34 4.8 6
SuperLeague, Ireland Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 11 5 6
Won 7 3 4
Lost 4 2 2
Percentage 0.64 0.6 0.67
Record 7-4 3-2 4-2
Average Points For 95.73 95 96.33
Average Points Against 91.64 88.8 94
Difference 4.09 6.2 2.33