favorite sport survey

Heidelberg vs Rostock

H2H statistics for Heidelberg vs Rostock: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Heidelberg vs Rostock Head-to-Head comparison.

Heidelberg vs Rostock H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Heidelberg Rostock
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 7 4 3 7 3 4
Won 5 4 1 2 2 0
Lost 2 0 2 5 1 4
Average Points For 88.86 82.5 97.33 87.71 99 79.25
Average Points Against 87.71 79.25 99 88.86 97.33 82.5

Form Statistics

Heidelberg Rostock
30/11 Bbl Rostock H
86 - 81
15/11 Bbl Hamburg H
73 - 68
09/11 Bbl Gottingen A
73 - 95
02/11 Bbl Wurzburg H
67 - 72
26/10 Bbl Frankfurt A
72 - 95
20/10 Bbl Bonn H
76 - 95
13/10 German Cup Chemnitz H
78 - 73
05/10 Bbl Basketball Br.. A
65 - 72
30/11 Bbl Rostock
86 - 81
15/11 Bbl Hamburg
73 - 68
02/11 Bbl Wurzburg
67 - 72
20/10 Bbl Bonn
76 - 95
13/10 German Cup Chemnitz
78 - 73
29/09 Bbl Vechta
80 - 74
15/09 German Cup Hamburg
96 - 89
12/05 Bbl Tubingen
93 - 78
09/11 Bbl Gottingen
73 - 95
26/10 Bbl Frankfurt
72 - 95
05/10 Bbl Basketball Br..
65 - 72
03/10 Bbl Syntainics Mbc
93 - 108
21/09 Bbl Oldenburg
105 - 82
31/08 Club Friendly Bc Nokia
68 - 87
08/05 Bbl Wurzburg
98 - 84
30/04 Bbl Alba Berlin
96 - 89
30/11 Bbl Heidelberg A
86 - 81
10/11 Bbl Bonn H
64 - 69
01/11 Bbl Frankfurt H
83 - 66
27/10 Bbl Chemnitz H
60 - 68
20/10 Bbl Bamberg A
75 - 89
05/10 Bbl Wurzburg H
65 - 92
02/10 Bbl Ludwigsburg A
70 - 64
28/09 Bbl Gottingen H
102 - 74
10/11 Bbl Bonn
64 - 69
01/11 Bbl Frankfurt
83 - 66
27/10 Bbl Chemnitz
60 - 68
05/10 Bbl Wurzburg
65 - 92
28/09 Bbl Gottingen
102 - 74
08/05 Bbl Crailsheim Me..
70 - 85
30/04 Bbl Ludwigsburg
91 - 85
14/04 Bbl Ulm
71 - 96
30/11 Bbl Heidelberg
86 - 81
20/10 Bbl Bamberg
75 - 89
02/10 Bbl Ludwigsburg
70 - 64
22/09 Bbl Syntainics Mbc
84 - 87
14/09 German Cup Crailsheim Me..
79 - 77
07/09 Club Friendly Alba Berlin
79 - 76
12/05 Bbl Bayern
101 - 73
05/05 Bbl Basketball Br..
76 - 70
Tables Heidelberg Rostock
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 5 3
Won 6 3 3 3 2 1
Lost 2 2 0 5 3 2
Average Points For 80.25 76 87.33 76 74.8 78
Average Points Against 74.88 77.8 70 75 73.8 77
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Heidelberg Rostock
NCAA, USA Total Home Away
Matches Played 1 0 1
Won 0 0 0
Lost 1 0 1
Percentage 0 - 0
Record 0-1 0-0 0-1
Average Points For 56 - 56
Average Points Against 114 - 114
Difference -58 - -58
BBL, Germany Total Home Away
Rank 12
Matches Played 9 5 4
Won 4 2 2
Lost 5 3 2
Percentage 0.44 0.4 0.5
Record 4-5 2-3 2-2
Average Points For 77.22 74.8 80.25
Average Points Against 76 73.8 78.75
Difference 1.22 1 1.5