favorite sport survey

Goztepe vs Istanbul Anka Spor

H2H statistics for Goztepe vs Istanbul Anka Spor: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Goztepe vs Istanbul Anka Spor Head-to-Head comparison.

Goztepe vs Istanbul Anka Spor H2H statistics

There is no data available for these two teams.

Form Statistics

Goztepe Istanbul Anka Spor
16/11 Tb2l Kahramanmaras H
58 - 60
09/11 Tb2l Akhisar Beled.. A
73 - 74
02/11 Tb2l Istanbul Basket H
66 - 39
26/10 Tb2l Kocaeli Bşb K.. A
58 - 54
16/11 Tb2l Kahramanmaras
58 - 60
02/11 Tb2l Istanbul Basket
66 - 39
09/11 Tb2l Akhisar Beled..
73 - 74
26/10 Tb2l Kocaeli Bşb K..
58 - 54
25/11 Tbl Final Spor H
74 - 97
16/11 Tbl Konya Bbsk A
106 - 64
10/11 Tbl Mke Ankaragucu H
71 - 90
02/11 Tbl Trabzonspor A
114 - 65
27/10 Tbl Kapakli Spor H
74 - 88
20/10 Tbl Çağdaş Bodrum.. A
95 - 73
13/10 Tbl Fenerbahce 2 H
74 - 92
09/10 Tbl Balikesir A
100 - 60
25/11 Tbl Final Spor
74 - 97
10/11 Tbl Mke Ankaragucu
71 - 90
27/10 Tbl Kapakli Spor
74 - 88
13/10 Tbl Fenerbahce 2
74 - 92
05/10 Tbl Co Basket
73 - 81
22/09 Tbl Ogm Ormanspor
72 - 84
16/03 Tb2l Akhisar Beled..
64 - 100
26/02 Tb2l Ege Universit..
88 - 91
16/11 Tbl Konya Bbsk
106 - 64
02/11 Tbl Trabzonspor
114 - 65
20/10 Tbl Çağdaş Bodrum..
95 - 73
09/10 Tbl Balikesir
100 - 60
09/03 Tb2l Akhisar Beled..
78 - 67
02/03 Tb2l Ilkler Sehri ..
74 - 92
17/02 Tb2l Istanbul Efen..
86 - 80
13/01 Tb2l Sertas Spor
77 - 100
Tables Goztepe Istanbul Anka Spor
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 8 4 4
Won 2 1 1 0 0 0
Lost 2 1 1 8 4 4
Average Points For 63 62 64 69.38 73.25 65.5
Average Points Against 57.5 49.5 65.5 97.75 91.75 103.75
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Goztepe Istanbul Anka Spor
TB2L, Turkey Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 4 2 2
Won 2 1 1
Lost 2 1 1
Percentage 0.5 0.5 0.5
Record 2-2 1-1 1-1
Average Points For 63 62 64
Average Points Against 57.5 49.5 65.5
Difference 5.5 12.5 -1.5
TBL, Turkey Total Home Away
Rank 18
Matches Played 10 6 4
Won 0 0 0
Lost 10 6 4
Percentage 0 0 0
Record 0-10 0-6 0-4
Average Points For 70 73 65.5
Average Points Against 94.7 88.67 103.75
Difference -24.7 -15.67 -38.25