Galatasaray vs Manisa

H2H statistics for Galatasaray vs Manisa: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Galatasaray vs Manisa Head-to-Head comparison.

Galatasaray vs Manisa H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Galatasaray Manisa
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 1 0 1 1 1 0
Won 1 0 1 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 1 1 0
Average Points For 96 0 96 85 85 0
Average Points Against 85 0 85 96 96 0

Form Statistics

Galatasaray Manisa
14/02 Turkish Cup Fenerbahce A
89 - 74
11/02 Turkish Cup Karsiyaka (Tur) A
88 - 97
05/02 Champions League Manisa A
85 - 96
29/01 Champions League Rytas A
86 - 66
21/01 Champions League Saint Quentin H
75 - 73
15/01 Champions League Saint Quentin A
90 - 79
07/01 Champions League Saint Quentin H
84 - 63
17/12 Champions League Vechta A
64 - 74
21/01 Champions League Saint Quentin
75 - 73
07/01 Champions League Saint Quentin
84 - 63
05/11 Champions League Promitheas
91 - 74
08/10 Champions League Nymburk
75 - 87
01/10 Champions League Vechta
103 - 91
24/09 Club Friendly Panathinaikos
56 - 85
12/03 Champions League Ludwigsburg
93 - 91
05/03 Champions League Bonn
98 - 85
14/02 Turkish Cup Fenerbahce
89 - 74
11/02 Turkish Cup Karsiyaka (Tur)
88 - 97
05/02 Champions League Manisa
85 - 96
29/01 Champions League Rytas
86 - 66
15/01 Champions League Saint Quentin
90 - 79
17/12 Champions League Vechta
64 - 74
03/12 Champions League Nymburk
80 - 70
23/10 Champions League Promitheas
75 - 79
05/02 Champions League Galatasaray H
85 - 96
29/01 Champions League Unicaja A
91 - 73
14/01 Champions League Chemnitz A
84 - 87
08/01 Champions League Chemnitz H
87 - 86
18/12 Champions League Fmp Beograd H
103 - 84
04/12 Champions League Murcia H
72 - 78
06/11 Champions League Peristeri A
90 - 78
22/10 Champions League Peristeri H
79 - 77
05/02 Champions League Galatasaray
85 - 96
08/01 Champions League Chemnitz
87 - 86
18/12 Champions League Fmp Beograd
103 - 84
04/12 Champions League Murcia
72 - 78
22/10 Champions League Peristeri
79 - 77
13/09 Club Friendly Buyukcekmece
91 - 75
31/01 Fiba Europe Cup Nymburk
55 - 69
10/01 Fiba Europe Cup Basket Zaragoza
65 - 68
29/01 Champions League Unicaja
91 - 73
14/01 Champions League Chemnitz
84 - 87
06/11 Champions League Peristeri
90 - 78
09/10 Champions League Fmp Beograd
97 - 101
01/10 Champions League Murcia
97 - 103
20/09 Club Friendly Fenerbahce
122 - 90
12/09 Club Friendly Merkezefendi
87 - 83
05/09 Club Friendly Petkim Spor
79 - 87
Tables Galatasaray Manisa
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 2 6 8 5 3
Won 5 2 3 4 3 1
Lost 3 0 3 4 2 2
Average Points For 80.62 79.5 81 83 85.2 79.33
Average Points Against 79.75 68 83.67 85.75 84.2 88.33
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Galatasaray Manisa
Super Ligi, Turkey Total Home Away
Rank 12
Matches Played 29 15 14
Won 11 7 4
Lost 18 8 10
Percentage 0.38 0.47 0.29
Record 11-18 7-8 4-10
Average Points For 83.66 85 82.21
Average Points Against 86.52 86.53 86.5
Difference -2.86 -1.53 -4.29
TBL, Turkey Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 30 15 15
Won 23 13 10
Lost 7 2 5
Percentage 0.77 0.87 0.67
Record 23-7 13-2 10-5
Average Points For 84.67 83.2 86.13
Average Points Against 76.73 73.6 79.87
Difference 7.94 9.6 6.26