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Enisey Krasnoyarsk W vs Spartak Moscow W

H2H statistics for Enisey Krasnoyarsk W vs Spartak Moscow W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Enisey Krasnoyarsk W vs Spartak Moscow W Head-to-Head comparison.

Enisey Krasnoyarsk W vs Spartak Moscow W H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Sat30/11/2024 Premier League Women Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
70 - 61
Spartak Moscow W
Fri26/04/2024 Premier League Women Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
59 - 50
Spartak Moscow W
Thu25/04/2024 Premier League Women Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
77 - 76
Spartak Moscow W
Sun21/04/2024 Premier League Women Spartak Moscow W
74 - 63
Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
Thu15/02/2024 Premier League Women Spartak Moscow W
63 - 59
Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
Wed06/12/2023 Premier League Women Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
67 - 52
Spartak Moscow W
Wed04/10/2023 Premier League Women Spartak Moscow W
58 - 61
Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
Wed07/12/2022 Premier League Women Spartak Moscow W
70 - 66
Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
Mon03/10/2022 Premier League Women Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
68 - 61
Spartak Moscow W
Tue12/04/2022 Premier League Women Enisey Krasnoyarsk W
68 - 70
Spartak Moscow W
Tables Enisey Krasnoyarsk W Spartak Moscow W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 6 4 10 4 6
Won 6 5 1 4 3 1
Lost 4 1 3 6 1 5
Average Points For 65.8 68.17 62.25 63.5 66.25 61.67
Average Points Against 63.5 61.67 66.25 65.8 62.25 68.17

Form Statistics

Enisey Krasnoyarsk W Spartak Moscow W
30/11 Premier League .. Spartak Mosco.. H
70 - 61
26/11 Premier League .. Novosibirsk W H
74 - 71
14/11 Premier League .. Dynamo Kursk W H
61 - 87
31/10 Premier League .. Samara W A
69 - 76
27/10 Premier League .. Ummc Ekaterin.. A
90 - 52
18/10 Premier League .. Neftyanik Oms.. H
83 - 60
15/10 Premier League .. Dynamo Moscow W H
60 - 55
11/10 Premier League .. Nika Siktivka.. H
63 - 66
30/11 Premier League .. Spartak Mosco..
70 - 61
26/11 Premier League .. Novosibirsk W
74 - 71
14/11 Premier League .. Dynamo Kursk W
61 - 87
18/10 Premier League .. Neftyanik Oms..
83 - 60
15/10 Premier League .. Dynamo Moscow W
60 - 55
11/10 Premier League .. Nika Siktivka..
63 - 66
26/04 Premier League .. Spartak Mosco..
59 - 50
25/04 Premier League .. Spartak Mosco..
77 - 76
31/10 Premier League .. Samara W
69 - 76
27/10 Premier League .. Ummc Ekaterin..
90 - 52
07/10 Premier League .. Mba Moscow W
61 - 54
04/10 Premier League .. Nadezhda W
63 - 44
21/04 Premier League .. Spartak Mosco..
74 - 63
11/04 Premier League .. Samara W
63 - 81
06/04 Premier League .. Mba Moscow W
78 - 58
27/03 Premier League .. Nika Siktivka..
68 - 62
30/11 Premier League .. Enisey Krasno.. A
70 - 61
26/11 Premier League .. Neftyanik Oms.. H
53 - 59
21/11 Russian Cup Women Spartak St. P.. H
86 - 70
18/11 Premier League .. Dynamo Moscow W A
87 - 75
14/11 Premier League .. Nika Siktivka.. H
77 - 61
03/11 Premier League .. Ummc Ekaterin.. A
71 - 61
31/10 Premier League .. Mba Moscow W H
59 - 77
27/10 Premier League .. Nadezhda W A
53 - 66
26/11 Premier League .. Neftyanik Oms..
53 - 59
21/11 Russian Cup Women Spartak St. P..
86 - 70
14/11 Premier League .. Nika Siktivka..
77 - 61
31/10 Premier League .. Mba Moscow W
59 - 77
19/10 Premier League .. Ummc Ekaterin..
72 - 103
07/10 Premier League .. Dynamo Kursk W
63 - 67
03/10 Premier League .. Samara W
62 - 68
21/04 Premier League .. Enisey Krasno..
74 - 63
30/11 Premier League .. Enisey Krasno..
70 - 61
18/11 Premier League .. Dynamo Moscow W
87 - 75
03/11 Premier League .. Ummc Ekaterin..
71 - 61
27/10 Premier League .. Nadezhda W
53 - 66
23/10 Russian Cup Women Spartak St. P..
62 - 85
15/10 Premier League .. Novosibirsk W
77 - 76
26/04 Premier League .. Enisey Krasno..
59 - 50
25/04 Premier League .. Enisey Krasno..
77 - 76
Tables Enisey Krasnoyarsk W Spartak Moscow W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 6 2 8 4 4
Won 5 4 1 3 2 1
Lost 3 2 1 5 2 3
Average Points For 67.38 68.5 64 67.25 68.75 65.75
Average Points Against 69.88 66.67 79.5 68.5 66.75 70.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Enisey Krasnoyarsk W Spartak Moscow W
Premier League Women, Russia Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 10 6 4
Won 5 4 1
Lost 5 2 3
Percentage 0.5 0.67 0.25
Record 5-5 4-2 1-3
Average Points For 63.7 68.5 56.5
Average Points Against 68.3 66.67 70.75
Difference -4.6 1.83 -14.25
Premier League Women, Russia Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 11 6 5
Won 2 1 1
Lost 9 5 4
Percentage 0.18 0.17 0.2
Record 2-9 1-5 1-4
Average Points For 65.91 64.33 67.8
Average Points Against 72.09 72.5 71.6
Difference -6.18 -8.17 -3.8