Delaware Blue Coats vs Mexico City Capitanes

H2H statistics for Delaware Blue Coats vs Mexico City Capitanes: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Delaware Blue Coats vs Mexico City Capitanes Head-to-Head comparison.

Delaware Blue Coats vs Mexico City Capitanes H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Delaware Blue Coats Mexico City Capitanes
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 2 0 2 2 2 0
Won 0 0 0 2 2 0
Lost 2 0 2 0 0 0
Average Points For 95 0 95 114 114 0
Average Points Against 114 0 114 95 95 0

Form Statistics

Delaware Blue Coats Mexico City Capitanes
18/01 Nba G League Capital City .. A
125 - 110
12/01 Nba G League Memphis Hustle H
116 - 138
11/01 Nba G League Mexico City C.. A
123 - 97
10/01 Nba G League Mexico City C.. A
105 - 93
08/01 Nba G League South Bay Lak.. A
99 - 103
04/01 Nba G League Motor City Cr.. H
114 - 99
03/01 Nba G League Westchester A
104 - 107
31/12 Nba G League Long Island N.. H
122 - 114
12/01 Nba G League Memphis Hustle
116 - 138
04/01 Nba G League Motor City Cr..
114 - 99
31/12 Nba G League Long Island N..
122 - 114
28/12 Nba G League Windy City Bu..
105 - 115
28/12 Nba G League Windy City Bu..
116 - 97
22/12 Nba G League Birmingham Sq..
109 - 98
14/12 Nba G League Raptors 905
132 - 109
10/12 Nba G League Capital City ..
114 - 115
18/01 Nba G League Capital City ..
125 - 110
11/01 Nba G League Mexico City C..
123 - 97
10/01 Nba G League Mexico City C..
105 - 93
08/01 Nba G League South Bay Lak..
99 - 103
03/01 Nba G League Westchester
104 - 107
20/12 Nba G League Santa Cruz Wa..
106 - 128
07/12 Nba G League Long Island N..
108 - 116
05/12 Nba G League Long Island N..
129 - 132
11/01 Nba G League Delaware Blue.. H
123 - 97
10/01 Nba G League Delaware Blue.. H
105 - 93
05/01 Nba G League South Bay Lak.. H
98 - 106
04/01 Nba G League South Bay Lak.. H
114 - 96
29/12 Nba G League Iowa Wolves H
106 - 100
28/12 Nba G League Iowa Wolves H
105 - 94
22/12 Nba G League Wisconsin Herd A
100 - 96
20/12 Nba G League Rip City Remix A
96 - 99
11/01 Nba G League Delaware Blue..
123 - 97
10/01 Nba G League Delaware Blue..
105 - 93
05/01 Nba G League South Bay Lak..
98 - 106
04/01 Nba G League South Bay Lak..
114 - 96
29/12 Nba G League Iowa Wolves
106 - 100
28/12 Nba G League Iowa Wolves
105 - 94
13/12 Nba G League Memphis Hustle
107 - 91
12/12 Nba G League Memphis Hustle
101 - 112
22/12 Nba G League Wisconsin Herd
100 - 96
20/12 Nba G League Rip City Remix
96 - 99
07/12 Nba G League Oklahoma City..
98 - 94
20/11 Nba G League Austin Toros ..
120 - 115
17/11 Nba G League Austin Toros ..
92 - 99
16/11 Nba G League Osceola Magic
98 - 107
14/11 Nba G League Osceola Magic
128 - 105
12/11 Nba G League Memphis Hustle
90 - 97
Tables Delaware Blue Coats Mexico City Capitanes
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 6 2
Won 4 2 2 6 5 1
Lost 4 1 3 2 1 1
Average Points For 107.75 117.33 102 105.75 108.5 97.5
Average Points Against 113.38 117 111.2 97.75 97.67 98
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Delaware Blue Coats Mexico City Capitanes
NBA G League, USA Total Home Away
Rank 9
Matches Played 26 13 13
Won 14 8 6
Lost 12 5 7
Percentage 0.54 0.62 0.46
Record 14-12 8-5 6-7
Average Points For 111 115.69 106.31
Average Points Against 112 112.23 111.77
Difference -1 3.46 -5.46
NBA G League, USA Total Home Away
Matches Played 22 13 9
Won 14 9 5
Lost 8 4 4
Percentage 0.64 0.69 0.56
Record 14-8 9-4 5-4
Average Points For 104.27 105.92 101.89
Average Points Against 102.18 102.77 101.33
Difference 2.09 3.15 0.56