favorite sport survey

DEAC vs Szolnoki Olaj

H2H statistics for DEAC vs Szolnoki Olaj: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the DEAC vs Szolnoki Olaj Head-to-Head comparison.

DEAC vs Szolnoki Olaj H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables DEAC Szolnoki Olaj
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 5 5 10 5 5
Won 1 1 0 9 5 4
Lost 9 4 5 1 0 1
Average Points For 71.3 71.2 71.4 78.3 82.4 74.2
Average Points Against 78.3 74.2 82.4 71.3 71.4 71.2

Form Statistics

DEAC Szolnoki Olaj
04/12 Nb I. A Szombathely A
85 - 47
30/11 Nb I. A Szolnoki Olaj A
80 - 67
10/11 Nb I. A Zalakeramia H
68 - 62
05/11 Nb I. A Nka Pecs A
68 - 80
24/10 Nb I. A Atomeromu Paks H
54 - 82
19/10 Nb I. A Kormend A
80 - 85
12/10 Nb I. A Pecsi Vsk H
75 - 68
04/10 Nb I. A Budapesti Hon.. H
84 - 66
10/11 Nb I. A Zalakeramia
68 - 62
24/10 Nb I. A Atomeromu Paks
54 - 82
12/10 Nb I. A Pecsi Vsk
75 - 68
04/10 Nb I. A Budapesti Hon..
84 - 66
30/08 Club Friendly Spisski Rytieri
72 - 59
04/05 Nb I. A Soproni Kc
68 - 80
28/04 Nb I. A Budapesti Hon..
62 - 86
22/04 Nb I. A Zalakeramia
83 - 79
04/12 Nb I. A Szombathely
85 - 47
30/11 Nb I. A Szolnoki Olaj
80 - 67
05/11 Nb I. A Nka Pecs
68 - 80
19/10 Nb I. A Kormend
80 - 85
27/09 Nb I. A Soproni Kc
80 - 79
11/09 Club Friendly Szedeak
76 - 74
07/05 Nb I. A Soproni Kc
89 - 87
01/05 Nb I. A Budapesti Hon..
78 - 58
30/11 Nb I. A Deac H
80 - 67
13/11 Fiba Europe Cup Paok H
69 - 92
09/11 Nb I. A Atomeromu Paks A
110 - 77
05/11 Fiba Europe Cup Limburg A
77 - 74
02/11 Nb I. A Kormend H
101 - 95
30/10 Fiba Europe Cup Fc Porto H
71 - 88
26/10 Nb I. A Alba Fehervar H
96 - 87
23/10 Fiba Europe Cup Paok A
82 - 66
30/11 Nb I. A Deac
80 - 67
13/11 Fiba Europe Cup Paok
69 - 92
02/11 Nb I. A Kormend
101 - 95
30/10 Fiba Europe Cup Fc Porto
71 - 88
26/10 Nb I. A Alba Fehervar
96 - 87
19/10 Nb I. A Budapesti Hon..
83 - 72
16/10 Fiba Europe Cup Limburg
95 - 100
01/10 Nb I. A Ose Lions
78 - 71
09/11 Nb I. A Atomeromu Paks
110 - 77
05/11 Fiba Europe Cup Limburg
77 - 74
23/10 Fiba Europe Cup Paok
82 - 66
12/10 Nb I. A Soproni Kc
71 - 75
09/10 Fiba Europe Cup Fc Porto
77 - 68
03/10 Nb I. A Szedeak
71 - 83
17/05 Nb I. A Szombathely
100 - 76
11/05 Nb I. A Szombathely
83 - 59
Tables DEAC Szolnoki Olaj
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 5 3
Won 5 3 2 3 3 0
Lost 3 1 2 5 2 3
Average Points For 70 70.25 69.75 79.25 83.4 72.33
Average Points Against 73.88 69.5 78.25 87.25 85.8 89.67
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

DEAC Szolnoki Olaj
NB I. A, Hungary Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 9 4 5
Won 5 3 2
Lost 4 1 3
Percentage 0.56 0.75 0.4
Record 5-4 3-1 2-3
Average Points For 71 70.25 71.6
Average Points Against 74.56 69.5 78.6
Difference -3.56 0.75 -7
NB I. A, Hungary Total Home Away
Rank 3
Matches Played 9 6 3
Won 8 6 2
Lost 1 0 1
Percentage 0.89 1 0.67
Record 8-1 6-0 2-1
Average Points For 83.11 85.5 78.33
Average Points Against 79.22 76.83 84
Difference 3.89 8.67 -5.67