CSKA Moscow vs Samara

H2H statistics for CSKA Moscow vs Samara: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the CSKA Moscow vs Samara Head-to-Head comparison.

CSKA Moscow vs Samara H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables CSKA Moscow Samara
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 7 3 4 7 4 3
Won 7 3 4 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 7 4 3
Average Points For 94 95.33 93 70.86 65.25 78.33
Average Points Against 70.86 78.33 65.25 94 93 95.33

Form Statistics

CSKA Moscow Samara
13/02 Vtb United League Astana H
118 - 77
09/02 Vtb United League Nizhny Novgorod A
86 - 94
05/02 Vtb United League Samara A
44 - 102
02/02 Vtb United League Zenit Petersb.. H
66 - 79
26/01 Vtb United League Uralmash Ekat.. A
67 - 94
22/01 Vtb United League Saratov H
108 - 83
19/01 Vtb United League Lokomotiv Kuban H
104 - 106
15/01 Vtb United League Mba Moscow A
65 - 88
13/02 Vtb United League Astana
118 - 77
02/02 Vtb United League Zenit Petersb..
66 - 79
22/01 Vtb United League Saratov
108 - 83
19/01 Vtb United League Lokomotiv Kuban
104 - 106
15/12 Vtb United League Mba Moscow
84 - 67
11/12 Vtb United League Enisey
100 - 78
01/12 Vtb United League Samara
97 - 77
28/11 Vtb United League Parma Perm
110 - 91
09/02 Vtb United League Nizhny Novgorod
86 - 94
05/02 Vtb United League Samara
44 - 102
26/01 Vtb United League Uralmash Ekat..
67 - 94
15/01 Vtb United League Mba Moscow
65 - 88
11/01 Vtb United League Parma Perm
64 - 101
05/01 Vtb United League Astana
55 - 99
25/12 Vtb United League Saratov
65 - 112
22/12 Vtb United League Lokomotiv Kuban
69 - 65
12/02 Vtb United League Uralmash Ekat.. H
65 - 85
09/02 Vtb United League Enisey H
74 - 86
05/02 Vtb United League Cska Moscow H
44 - 102
01/02 Vtb United League Parma Perm H
86 - 78
29/01 Vtb United League Astana A
75 - 67
24/01 Vtb United League Zenit Petersb.. H
73 - 106
19/01 Vtb United League Unics Kazan A
94 - 59
14/01 Vtb United League Lokomotiv Kuban H
69 - 96
12/02 Vtb United League Uralmash Ekat..
65 - 85
09/02 Vtb United League Enisey
74 - 86
05/02 Vtb United League Cska Moscow
44 - 102
01/02 Vtb United League Parma Perm
86 - 78
24/01 Vtb United League Zenit Petersb..
73 - 106
14/01 Vtb United League Lokomotiv Kuban
69 - 96
11/01 Vtb United League Mba Moscow
78 - 80
08/01 Vtb United League Zenit Petersb..
54 - 103
29/01 Vtb United League Astana
75 - 67
19/01 Vtb United League Unics Kazan
94 - 59
04/01 Vtb United League Uralmash Ekat..
68 - 64
14/12 Vtb United League Saratov
81 - 75
09/12 Vtb United League Nizhny Novgorod
95 - 72
01/12 Vtb United League Cska Moscow
97 - 77
28/11 Vtb United League Astana
59 - 81
10/11 Vtb United League Uralmash Ekat..
81 - 69
Tables CSKA Moscow Samara
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 6 2
Won 6 2 4 1 1 0
Lost 2 2 0 7 5 2
Average Points For 96.75 99 94.5 67.12 68.5 63
Average Points Against 75.88 86.25 65.5 90.25 92.17 84.5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

CSKA Moscow Samara
VTB United League, Russia Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 32 15 17
Won 27 13 14
Lost 5 2 3
Percentage 0.84 0.87 0.82
Record 27-5 13-2 14-3
Average Points For 91.5 94.47 88.88
Average Points Against 71.06 75.07 67.53
Difference 20.44 19.4 21.35
VTB United League, Russia Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 32 18 14
Won 8 5 3
Lost 24 13 11
Percentage 0.25 0.28 0.21
Record 8-24 5-13 3-11
Average Points For 72.94 73.72 71.93
Average Points Against 83.34 85.22 80.93
Difference -10.4 -11.5 -9