Cholet vs Sassari

H2H statistics for Cholet vs Sassari: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Cholet vs Sassari Head-to-Head comparison.

Cholet vs Sassari H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Cholet Sassari
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 5 3 2 5 2 3
Won 4 2 2 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 4 2 2
Average Points For 84 82.33 86.5 81.2 83 80
Average Points Against 81.2 80 83 84 86.5 82.33

Form Statistics

Cholet Sassari
14/02 Leaders Cup Le Mans H
91 - 93
11/02 French Cup Nanterre A
84 - 97
07/02 Lnb Gravelines-Du.. A
70 - 73
05/02 Fiba Europe Cup Sassari A
75 - 78
02/02 Lnb Strasbourg H
105 - 75
29/01 Fiba Europe Cup Bilbao H
82 - 75
26/01 Lnb Paris A
90 - 77
18/01 Lnb Limoges H
96 - 86
14/02 Leaders Cup Le Mans
91 - 93
02/02 Lnb Strasbourg
105 - 75
29/01 Fiba Europe Cup Bilbao
82 - 75
18/01 Lnb Limoges
96 - 86
07/01 Fiba Europe Cup Sassari
82 - 70
27/12 Lnb Le Mans
86 - 92
17/12 Lnb Dijon
95 - 89
14/12 Lnb Jl Bourg
67 - 102
11/02 French Cup Nanterre
84 - 97
07/02 Lnb Gravelines-Du..
70 - 73
05/02 Fiba Europe Cup Sassari
75 - 78
26/01 Lnb Paris
90 - 77
15/01 Fiba Europe Cup Le Portel
60 - 92
11/01 Lnb Nancy
71 - 78
21/12 Lnb Nanterre
97 - 104
10/12 Fiba Europe Cup Bilbao
95 - 88
08/02 Lega A Olimpia Milano H
72 - 78
05/02 Fiba Europe Cup Cholet H
75 - 78
02/02 Lega A Scafati A
98 - 82
28/01 Fiba Europe Cup Le Portel H
88 - 70
26/01 Lega A Virtus Bologna H
76 - 68
19/01 Lega A Basket Napoli A
87 - 70
15/01 Fiba Europe Cup Bilbao A
77 - 60
11/01 Lega A Trapani A
88 - 68
08/02 Lega A Olimpia Milano
72 - 78
05/02 Fiba Europe Cup Cholet
75 - 78
28/01 Fiba Europe Cup Le Portel
88 - 70
26/01 Lega A Virtus Bologna
76 - 68
05/01 Lega A Varese
81 - 86
22/12 Lega A Treviso
96 - 94
15/12 Lega A Reggiana
72 - 79
04/12 Fiba Europe Cup Bilbao
89 - 91
02/02 Lega A Scafati
98 - 82
19/01 Lega A Basket Napoli
87 - 70
15/01 Fiba Europe Cup Bilbao
77 - 60
11/01 Lega A Trapani
88 - 68
07/01 Fiba Europe Cup Cholet
82 - 70
28/12 Lega A Cremona
65 - 80
10/12 Fiba Europe Cup Le Portel
83 - 76
08/12 Lega A Venezia
78 - 84
Tables Cholet Sassari
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 6 3 3 2 2 0
Lost 2 1 1 6 2 4
Average Points For 87.38 93.5 81.25 73.88 77.75 70
Average Points Against 81 82.25 79.75 80.5 73.5 87.5
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Cholet Sassari
LNB, France Total Home Away
Rank 2
Matches Played 19 10 9
Won 15 8 7
Lost 4 2 2
Percentage 0.79 0.8 0.78
Record 15-4 8-2 7-2
Average Points For 86.68 89.5 83.56
Average Points Against 79.79 79.6 80
Difference 6.89 9.9 3.56
Lega A, Italy Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 19 10 9
Won 7 5 2
Lost 12 5 7
Percentage 0.37 0.5 0.22
Record 7-12 5-5 2-7
Average Points For 80.63 83.3 77.67
Average Points Against 84.16 82.3 86.22
Difference -3.53 1 -8.55