Centrum Tigers vs Oppsal

H2H statistics for Centrum Tigers vs Oppsal: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Centrum Tigers vs Oppsal Head-to-Head comparison.

Centrum Tigers vs Oppsal H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Centrum Tigers Oppsal
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 9 5 4 9 4 5
Won 8 4 4 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 8 4 4
Average Points For 85.22 80.2 91.5 60.89 54.5 66
Average Points Against 60.89 66 54.5 85.22 91.5 80.2

Form Statistics

Centrum Tigers Oppsal
12/02 Blno Kongsberg Min.. A
71 - 60
05/02 Blno Oppsal A
58 - 90
01/02 Blno Baerum H
92 - 70
26/01 Blno Tromso A
62 - 73
18/01 Blno Nidaros Jets H
101 - 81
11/01 Blno Gimle H
84 - 75
04/01 Blno Froya H
100 - 70
15/12 Blno Fyllingen A
102 - 82
01/02 Blno Baerum
92 - 70
18/01 Blno Nidaros Jets
101 - 81
11/01 Blno Gimle
84 - 75
04/01 Blno Froya
100 - 70
07/12 Blno Baerum
96 - 84
04/12 Blno Ammerud
83 - 80
13/11 Blno Oppsal
106 - 64
09/11 Blno Ammerud
77 - 78
12/02 Blno Kongsberg Min..
71 - 60
05/02 Blno Oppsal
58 - 90
26/01 Blno Tromso
62 - 73
15/12 Blno Fyllingen
102 - 82
14/12 Blno Froya
77 - 57
01/12 Blno Kongsberg Min..
88 - 44
16/11 Blno Nidaros Jets
82 - 70
06/11 Blno Asker
73 - 96
15/02 Blno Ammerud H
63 - 118
08/02 Blno Tromso A
86 - 54
05/02 Blno Centrum Tigers H
58 - 90
02/02 Blno Kongsberg Min.. A
113 - 56
26/01 Blno Nidaros Jets A
103 - 72
25/01 Blno Gimle A
92 - 48
22/01 Blno Baerum H
58 - 100
12/01 Blno Froya A
108 - 48
15/02 Blno Ammerud
63 - 118
05/02 Blno Centrum Tigers
58 - 90
22/01 Blno Baerum
58 - 100
04/01 Blno Tromso
63 - 101
18/12 Blno Kongsberg Min..
65 - 89
08/12 Blno Froya
77 - 95
30/11 Blno Fyllingen
50 - 125
27/11 Blno Asker
78 - 127
08/02 Blno Tromso
86 - 54
02/02 Blno Kongsberg Min..
113 - 56
26/01 Blno Nidaros Jets
103 - 72
25/01 Blno Gimle
92 - 48
12/01 Blno Froya
108 - 48
11/01 Blno Fyllingen
104 - 58
09/01 Blno Ammerud
99 - 54
15/12 Blno Ammerud
103 - 76
Tables Centrum Tigers Oppsal
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 3 5
Won 6 4 2 0 0 0
Lost 2 0 2 8 3 5
Average Points For 85.25 94.25 76.25 57.12 59.67 55.6
Average Points Against 73.62 74 73.25 101.25 102.67 100.4
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Centrum Tigers Oppsal
BLNO, Norway Total Home Away
Rank 4
Matches Played 25 13 12
Won 18 11 7
Lost 7 2 5
Percentage 0.72 0.85 0.58
Record 18-7 11-2 7-5
Average Points For 84.6 91.38 77.25
Average Points Against 74.12 75.92 72.17
Difference 10.48 15.46 5.08
BLNO, Norway Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 27 13 14
Won 0 0 0
Lost 27 13 14
Percentage 0 0 0
Record 0-27 0-13 0-14
Average Points For 63.37 64.46 62.36
Average Points Against 104.04 107.46 100.86
Difference -40.67 -43 -38.5