Cedevita Olimpija vs Hamburg

H2H statistics for Cedevita Olimpija vs Hamburg: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Cedevita Olimpija vs Hamburg Head-to-Head comparison.

Cedevita Olimpija vs Hamburg H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Cedevita Olimpija Hamburg
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 4 2 2
Won 2 1 1 2 1 1
Lost 2 1 1 2 1 1
Average Points For 88.5 89 88 79.25 81.5 77
Average Points Against 79.25 77 81.5 88.5 88 89

Form Statistics

Cedevita Olimpija Hamburg
14/02 Slovenian Cup Kk Krka Novo .. H
102 - 71
13/02 Slovenian Cup Kk Triglav Kr.. A
63 - 83
10/02 Slovenian Cup Ilirija H
86 - 68
08/02 Aba League Igokea H
85 - 90
05/02 Eurocup Hamburg A
80 - 62
01/02 Aba League Split A
69 - 75
28/01 Eurocup Valencia H
66 - 72
26/01 Aba League Mornar Bar H
114 - 72
14/02 Slovenian Cup Kk Krka Novo ..
102 - 71
10/02 Slovenian Cup Ilirija
86 - 68
08/02 Aba League Igokea
85 - 90
28/01 Eurocup Valencia
66 - 72
26/01 Aba League Mornar Bar
114 - 72
12/01 Aba League Fmp Beograd
91 - 58
08/01 Eurocup Aris
98 - 79
05/01 Aba League Kk Krka Novo ..
84 - 82
13/02 Slovenian Cup Kk Triglav Kr..
63 - 83
05/02 Eurocup Hamburg
80 - 62
01/02 Aba League Split
69 - 75
22/01 Eurocup Jl Bourg
87 - 82
19/01 Aba League Dubai
84 - 85
16/01 Eurocup Lietkabelis
78 - 88
14/01 Eurocup Hapoel Jerusa..
70 - 74
30/12 Aba League Partizan
78 - 76
12/02 Bbl Basketball Br.. A
91 - 79
09/02 Bbl Alba Berlin A
92 - 77
05/02 Eurocup Cedevita Olim.. H
80 - 62
01/02 Bbl Gottingen H
91 - 82
29/01 Eurocup Aris A
88 - 90
26/01 Bbl Wurzburg H
68 - 66
21/01 Eurocup Lietkabelis H
84 - 77
17/01 Bbl Chemnitz A
69 - 60
05/02 Eurocup Cedevita Olim..
80 - 62
01/02 Bbl Gottingen
91 - 82
26/01 Bbl Wurzburg
68 - 66
21/01 Eurocup Lietkabelis
84 - 77
10/01 Bbl Bonn
91 - 84
08/01 Eurocup Venezia
77 - 90
30/12 Bbl Basketball Br..
86 - 91
21/12 Bbl Ludwigsburg
66 - 73
12/02 Bbl Basketball Br..
91 - 79
09/02 Bbl Alba Berlin
92 - 77
29/01 Eurocup Aris
88 - 90
17/01 Bbl Chemnitz
69 - 60
15/01 Eurocup Turk Telekom
77 - 65
06/01 Bbl Bamberg
80 - 83
03/01 Eurocup Cluj-Napoca
104 - 83
26/12 Bbl Rostock
92 - 78
Tables Cedevita Olimpija Hamburg
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 4 4
Won 5 3 2 5 4 1
Lost 3 2 1 3 0 3
Average Points For 84.12 90.6 73.33 78.62 80.75 76.5
Average Points Against 73.12 74.6 70.67 78.38 71.75 85
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Cedevita Olimpija Hamburg
Liga Nova KBM, Slovenia Total Home Away
Matches Played 7 3 4
Won 7 3 4
Lost 0 0 0
Percentage 1 1 1
Record 7-0 3-0 4-0
Average Points For 95.29 92 97.75
Average Points Against 76 67.67 82.25
Difference 19.29 24.33 15.5
BBL, Germany Total Home Away
Rank 14
Matches Played 19 9 10
Won 8 6 2
Lost 11 3 8
Percentage 0.42 0.67 0.2
Record 8-11 6-3 2-8
Average Points For 79.63 83.56 76.1
Average Points Against 81.47 80.89 82
Difference -1.84 2.67 -5.9