favorite sport survey

Caxias do Sul vs Zhejiang Guangsha

H2H statistics for Caxias do Sul vs Zhejiang Guangsha: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Caxias do Sul vs Zhejiang Guangsha Head-to-Head comparison.

Caxias do Sul vs Zhejiang Guangsha H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Caxias do Sul Zhejiang Guangsha
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 5 5 10 5 5
Won 5 2 3 5 2 3
Lost 5 3 2 5 3 2
Average Points For 76.4 77 75.8 74.9 69.6 80.2
Average Points Against 74.9 80.2 69.6 76.4 75.8 77

Form Statistics

Caxias do Sul Zhejiang Guangsha
04/11 Nbb Flamengo A
84 - 55
31/10 Nbb Zhejiang Guan.. H
81 - 80
23/10 Nbb Uniao Corinth.. H
77 - 89
18/10 Nbb Unifacisa A
63 - 81
15/10 Nbb Cearense A
76 - 68
03/10 Club Friendly Botafogo H
69 - 64
12/04 Nbb Zhejiang Guan.. H
68 - 85
10/04 Nbb Minas H
88 - 99
31/10 Nbb Zhejiang Guan..
81 - 80
23/10 Nbb Uniao Corinth..
77 - 89
03/10 Club Friendly Botafogo
69 - 64
12/04 Nbb Zhejiang Guan..
68 - 85
10/04 Nbb Minas
88 - 99
27/03 Nbb Franca
79 - 89
25/03 Nbb Cearense
69 - 91
09/03 Nbb Bauru
75 - 79
04/11 Nbb Flamengo
84 - 55
18/10 Nbb Unifacisa
63 - 81
15/10 Nbb Cearense
76 - 68
05/04 Nbb Paulistano
75 - 56
03/04 Nbb Corinthians P..
107 - 93
20/03 Nbb Sao Paulo
74 - 67
05/03 Nbb Pinheiros
80 - 63
16/02 Nbb Sao Jose
82 - 68
02/11 Nbb Uniao Corinth.. A
81 - 70
31/10 Nbb Caxias Do Sul A
81 - 80
28/10 Nbb Franca A
93 - 70
25/10 Nbb Unifacisa H
85 - 77
22/10 Nbb Cearense H
89 - 60
17/10 Nbb Sao Paulo H
81 - 88
14/10 Nbb Corinthians P.. A
86 - 89
12/10 Nbb Pinheiros A
68 - 67
25/10 Nbb Unifacisa
85 - 77
22/10 Nbb Cearense
89 - 60
17/10 Nbb Sao Paulo
81 - 88
21/04 Nbb Bauru
74 - 93
05/04 Nbb Minas
69 - 77
30/03 Nbb Pinheiros
83 - 79
28/03 Nbb Corinthians P..
100 - 87
25/03 Nbb Mogi
100 - 73
02/11 Nbb Uniao Corinth..
81 - 70
31/10 Nbb Caxias Do Sul
81 - 80
28/10 Nbb Franca
93 - 70
14/10 Nbb Corinthians P..
86 - 89
12/10 Nbb Pinheiros
68 - 67
25/09 Club Friendly Platense
85 - 69
27/04 Nbb Bauru
71 - 62
12/04 Nbb Caxias Do Sul
68 - 85
Tables Caxias do Sul Zhejiang Guangsha
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 3 5
Won 3 2 1 3 2 1
Lost 5 3 2 5 1 4
Average Points For 73.38 76.6 68 78.88 85 75.2
Average Points Against 80 83.4 74.33 79.25 75 81.8
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Caxias do Sul Zhejiang Guangsha
NBB, Brazil Total Home Away
Rank 13
Matches Played 5 2 3
Won 2 1 1
Lost 3 1 2
Percentage 0.4 0.5 0.33
Record 2-3 1-1 1-2
Average Points For 72.4 79 68
Average Points Against 78.4 84.5 74.33
Difference -6 -5.5 -6.33
NBB, Brazil Total Home Away
Rank 14
Matches Played 8 3 5
Won 3 2 1
Lost 5 1 4
Percentage 0.38 0.67 0.2
Record 3-5 2-1 1-4
Average Points For 78.88 85 75.2
Average Points Against 79.25 75 81.8
Difference -0.37 10 -6.6