favorite sport survey

Buducnost W vs Cinkarna Celje W

H2H statistics for Buducnost W vs Cinkarna Celje W: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Buducnost W vs Cinkarna Celje W Head-to-Head comparison.

Buducnost W vs Cinkarna Celje W H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Buducnost W Cinkarna Celje W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 10 7 3 10 3 7
Won 4 4 0 6 3 3
Lost 6 3 3 4 0 4
Average Points For 64.3 64.86 63 62.9 68.33 60.57
Average Points Against 62.9 60.57 68.33 64.3 63 64.86

Form Statistics

Buducnost W Cinkarna Celje W
30/11 Waba League Women Cinkarna Celj.. H
71 - 64
30/10 Waba League Women Montana 2003 W H
75 - 68
23/10 Waba League Women Novi Zagreb W A
59 - 105
16/10 Waba League Women Tresnjevka 20.. H
81 - 56
03/10 Waba League Women Partizan W A
61 - 78
24/03 Waba League Women Cinkarna Celj.. H
59 - 64
23/03 Waba League Women Sloga Pozega W H
78 - 57
06/03 Waba League Women Partizan W A
74 - 75
30/11 Waba League Women Cinkarna Celj..
71 - 64
30/10 Waba League Women Montana 2003 W
75 - 68
16/10 Waba League Women Tresnjevka 20..
81 - 56
24/03 Waba League Women Cinkarna Celj..
59 - 64
23/03 Waba League Women Sloga Pozega W
78 - 57
28/02 Waba League Women Orlovi W
102 - 68
02/02 Waba League Women Partizan W
80 - 62
18/01 Waba League Women Cinkarna Celj..
67 - 53
23/10 Waba League Women Novi Zagreb W
59 - 105
03/10 Waba League Women Partizan W
61 - 78
06/03 Waba League Women Partizan W
74 - 75
21/02 Waba League Women Cinkarna Celj..
69 - 63
24/01 Waba League Women Orlovi W
60 - 76
20/12 Waba League Women Banovici W
47 - 104
29/11 Waba League Women Sloga Pozega W
61 - 67
25/10 Waba League Women Duga W
64 - 77
30/11 Waba League Women Buducnost W A
71 - 64
23/11 1. Skl Women Ilirija W A
68 - 87
20/11 Waba League Women Partizan W H
99 - 60
16/11 1. Skl Women Domel Skofja .. A
42 - 94
06/11 1. Skl Women Jezica W H
106 - 53
30/10 Waba League Women Beroe W A
72 - 86
26/10 1. Skl Women Triglav W H
81 - 53
23/10 Waba League Women Zadar Plus W H
113 - 63
20/11 Waba League Women Partizan W
99 - 60
06/11 1. Skl Women Jezica W
106 - 53
26/10 1. Skl Women Triglav W
81 - 53
23/10 Waba League Women Zadar Plus W
113 - 63
12/10 1. Skl Women Maribor W
95 - 65
05/10 Waba League Women Montana 2003 W
75 - 51
01/10 1. Skl Women Ilirija W
82 - 56
23/04 1. Skl Women Triglav W
68 - 50
30/11 Waba League Women Buducnost W
71 - 64
23/11 1. Skl Women Ilirija W
68 - 87
16/11 1. Skl Women Domel Skofja ..
42 - 94
30/10 Waba League Women Beroe W
72 - 86
19/10 1. Skl Women Zkk Domzale W
45 - 76
09/10 Waba League Women Orlovi W
54 - 88
19/04 1. Skl Women Triglav W
54 - 64
10/04 1. Skl Women Maribor W
53 - 86
Tables Buducnost W Cinkarna Celje W
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 4 4
Won 7 4 3 7 4 3
Lost 1 1 0 1 0 1
Average Points For 77.75 72.8 86 91.25 99.75 82.75
Average Points Against 62.88 61.8 64.67 60.25 57.25 63.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Buducnost W Cinkarna Celje W
Total Home Away
Matches Played 0 0 0
Won 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0
Percentage - - -
Record 0-0 0-0 0-0
Average Points For - - -
Average Points Against - - -
Difference - - -
1. SKL Women, Slovenia Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 7 4 3
Won 7 4 3
Lost 0 0 0
Percentage 1 1 1
Record 7-0 4-0 3-0
Average Points For 88.71 91 85.67
Average Points Against 54.57 56.75 51.67
Difference 34.14 34.25 34