favorite sport survey

Budapesti Honved Se vs Szombathely

H2H statistics for Budapesti Honved Se vs Szombathely: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Budapesti Honved Se vs Szombathely Head-to-Head comparison.

Budapesti Honved Se vs Szombathely H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Budapesti Honved Se Szombathely
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 4 4
Won 0 0 0 8 4 4
Lost 8 4 4 0 0 0
Average Points For 66.62 63 70.25 89.75 95.25 84.25
Average Points Against 89.75 84.25 95.25 66.62 70.25 63

Form Statistics

Budapesti Honved Se Szombathely
30/11 Nb I. A Szombathely H
67 - 89
09/11 Nb I. A Soproni Kc A
81 - 64
02/11 Nb I. A Ose Lions H
81 - 77
30/10 Nb I. A Szedeak A
57 - 75
24/10 Nb I. A Kte-Duna H
58 - 87
19/10 Nb I. A Szolnoki Olaj A
83 - 72
12/10 Nb I. A Zalakeramia A
104 - 85
08/10 Nb I. A Nka Pecs H
79 - 84
30/11 Nb I. A Szombathely
67 - 89
02/11 Nb I. A Ose Lions
81 - 77
24/10 Nb I. A Kte-Duna
58 - 87
08/10 Nb I. A Nka Pecs
79 - 84
27/09 Nb I. A Atomeromu Paks
60 - 91
11/09 Club Friendly Inter Bratisl..
55 - 64
09/05 Nb I. A Nka Pecs
78 - 77
01/05 Nb I. A Deac
78 - 58
09/11 Nb I. A Soproni Kc
81 - 64
30/10 Nb I. A Szedeak
57 - 75
19/10 Nb I. A Szolnoki Olaj
83 - 72
12/10 Nb I. A Zalakeramia
104 - 85
04/10 Nb I. A Deac
84 - 66
12/05 Nb I. A Nka Pecs
63 - 84
06/05 Nb I. A Nka Pecs
81 - 76
28/04 Nb I. A Deac
62 - 86
30/11 Nb I. A Budapesti Hon.. A
67 - 89
13/11 Champions League Rytas H
72 - 82
09/11 Nb I. A Nka Pecs A
61 - 86
02/11 Nb I. A Soproni Kc A
76 - 89
30/10 Champions League Rytas A
103 - 83
26/10 Nb I. A Ose Lions A
69 - 102
19/10 Nb I. A Atomeromu Paks H
87 - 77
16/10 Champions League Reggiana H
78 - 71
13/11 Champions League Rytas
72 - 82
19/10 Nb I. A Atomeromu Paks
87 - 77
16/10 Champions League Reggiana
78 - 71
09/10 Nb I. A Kormend
91 - 81
28/09 Nb I. A Pecsi Vsk
94 - 58
13/09 Club Friendly Vechta
90 - 92
17/05 Nb I. A Szolnoki Olaj
100 - 76
11/05 Nb I. A Szolnoki Olaj
83 - 59
30/11 Nb I. A Budapesti Hon..
67 - 89
09/11 Nb I. A Nka Pecs
61 - 86
02/11 Nb I. A Soproni Kc
76 - 89
30/10 Champions League Rytas
103 - 83
26/10 Nb I. A Ose Lions
69 - 102
13/10 Nb I. A Szedeak
82 - 87
05/10 Nb I. A Kte-Duna
67 - 98
02/10 Champions League Slask Wroclaw
75 - 84
Tables Budapesti Honved Se Szombathely
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 3 5
Won 2 1 1 6 2 4
Lost 6 3 3 2 1 1
Average Points For 72.62 71.25 74 85.75 79 89.8
Average Points Against 82.75 84.25 81.25 75.75 76.67 75.2
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Budapesti Honved Se Szombathely
NB I. A, Hungary Total Home Away
Rank 13
Matches Played 10 5 5
Won 2 1 1
Lost 8 4 4
Percentage 0.2 0.2 0.2
Record 2-8 1-4 1-4
Average Points For 70.7 69 72.4
Average Points Against 83.7 85.6 81.8
Difference -13 -16.6 -9.4
NB I. A, Hungary Total Home Away
Rank 1
Matches Played 9 3 6
Won 9 3 6
Lost 0 0 0
Percentage 1 1 1
Record 9-0 3-0 6-0
Average Points For 91.44 90.67 91.83
Average Points Against 70.89 72 70.33
Difference 20.55 18.67 21.5