favorite sport survey

Bilbao vs Chemnitz

H2H statistics for Bilbao vs Chemnitz: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Bilbao vs Chemnitz Head-to-Head comparison.

Bilbao vs Chemnitz H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Bilbao Chemnitz
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 2 1 1 2 1 1
Won 1 0 1 1 0 1
Lost 1 1 0 1 1 0
Average Points For 77.5 73 82 85.5 73 98
Average Points Against 85.5 98 73 77.5 82 73

Form Statistics

Bilbao Chemnitz
09/10 Fiba Europe Cup Balkan H
95 - 55
05/10 Acb Murcia A
89 - 83
29/09 Acb Breogan H
90 - 72
27/09 Fiba Europe Cup Neptunas H
95 - 59
24/09 Fiba Europe Cup Neptunas A
66 - 74
18/09 Club Friendly Gipuzkoa A
73 - 96
13/09 Club Friendly Baskonia A
81 - 72
07/09 Club Friendly Paris A
85 - 77
09/10 Fiba Europe Cup Balkan
95 - 55
29/09 Acb Breogan
90 - 72
27/09 Fiba Europe Cup Neptunas
95 - 59
06/09 Club Friendly Basket Napoli
95 - 78
31/08 Club Friendly Leyma Coruna
87 - 77
12/05 Acb Barcelona
68 - 72
04/05 Acb Palencia
80 - 97
21/04 Acb Obradoiro Cab
72 - 75
05/10 Acb Murcia
89 - 83
24/09 Fiba Europe Cup Neptunas
66 - 74
18/09 Club Friendly Gipuzkoa
73 - 96
13/09 Club Friendly Baskonia
81 - 72
07/09 Club Friendly Paris
85 - 77
09/05 Acb Manresa
90 - 81
27/04 Acb Basquet Girona
81 - 68
13/04 Acb Tenerife
101 - 84
06/10 Bbl Vechta H
88 - 77
02/10 Champions League Tortona A
87 - 81
22/09 Bbl Ulm H
86 - 90
20/09 Bbl Bayern A
73 - 59
06/06 Bbl Alba Berlin A
97 - 84
04/06 Bbl Alba Berlin H
85 - 96
02/06 Bbl Alba Berlin H
84 - 72
31/05 Bbl Alba Berlin A
86 - 64
06/10 Bbl Vechta
88 - 77
22/09 Bbl Ulm
86 - 90
04/06 Bbl Alba Berlin
85 - 96
02/06 Bbl Alba Berlin
84 - 72
19/05 Bbl Vechta
87 - 96
17/05 Bbl Vechta
83 - 77
12/05 Bbl Wurzburg
79 - 66
08/05 Bbl Basketball Br..
82 - 68
02/10 Champions League Tortona
87 - 81
20/09 Bbl Bayern
73 - 59
06/06 Bbl Alba Berlin
97 - 84
31/05 Bbl Alba Berlin
86 - 64
28/05 Bbl Alba Berlin
82 - 95
23/05 Bbl Vechta
67 - 84
21/05 Bbl Vechta
76 - 84
04/05 Bbl Hamburg
79 - 85
Tables Bilbao Chemnitz
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 4 4
Won 5 3 2 2 2 0
Lost 3 0 3 6 2 4
Average Points For 85.25 93.33 80.4 78.88 85.75 72
Average Points Against 72.5 62 78.8 84.75 83.75 85.75
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Bilbao Chemnitz
ACB, Spain Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 2 1 1
Won 1 1 0
Lost 1 0 1
Percentage 0.5 1 0
Record 1-1 1-0 0-1
Average Points For 86.5 90 83
Average Points Against 80.5 72 89
Difference 6 18 -6
BBL, Germany Total Home Away
Rank 13
Matches Played 3 2 1
Won 1 1 0
Lost 2 1 1
Percentage 0.33 0.5 0
Record 1-2 1-1 0-1
Average Points For 77.67 87 59
Average Points Against 80 83.5 73
Difference -2.33 3.5 -14