Bahcesehir Kol. vs Joventut Badalona

H2H statistics for Bahcesehir Kol. vs Joventut Badalona: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Bahcesehir Kol. vs Joventut Badalona Head-to-Head comparison.

Bahcesehir Kol. vs Joventut Badalona H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Bahcesehir Kol. Joventut Badalona
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 4 2 2
Won 2 1 1 2 1 1
Lost 2 1 1 2 1 1
Average Points For 76 80.5 71.5 78.75 73 84.5
Average Points Against 78.75 84.5 73 76 71.5 80.5

Form Statistics

Bahcesehir Kol. Joventut Badalona
11/02 Turkish Cup Fenerbahce A
87 - 56
05/02 Eurocup Joventut Bada.. A
69 - 56
28/01 Eurocup Ulm H
85 - 81
22/01 Eurocup Hapoel Tel Aviv A
84 - 77
15/01 Eurocup Trefl Sopot A
76 - 81
08/01 Eurocup Buducnost H
95 - 93
03/01 Eurocup Trento A
69 - 73
17/12 Eurocup Gran Canaria H
73 - 65
28/01 Eurocup Ulm
85 - 81
08/01 Eurocup Buducnost
95 - 93
17/12 Eurocup Gran Canaria
73 - 65
04/12 Eurocup Bc Wolves
84 - 74
28/11 Eurocup Joventut Bada..
89 - 78
05/11 Eurocup Hapoel Tel Aviv
90 - 82
30/10 Eurocup Trefl Sopot
79 - 67
16/10 Eurocup Trento
110 - 70
11/02 Turkish Cup Fenerbahce
87 - 56
05/02 Eurocup Joventut Bada..
69 - 56
22/01 Eurocup Hapoel Tel Aviv
84 - 77
15/01 Eurocup Trefl Sopot
76 - 81
03/01 Eurocup Trento
69 - 73
11/12 Eurocup Besiktas
89 - 82
13/11 Eurocup Ulm
72 - 80
23/10 Eurocup Buducnost
75 - 92
08/02 Acb Leyma Coruna H
107 - 104
05/02 Eurocup Bahcesehir Kol. H
69 - 56
02/02 Acb Real Madrid A
86 - 73
29/01 Eurocup Buducnost A
107 - 75
25/01 Acb Granada H
96 - 82
21/01 Eurocup Trento H
86 - 100
18/01 Acb Manresa A
87 - 72
15/01 Eurocup Gran Canaria A
77 - 83
08/02 Acb Leyma Coruna
107 - 104
05/02 Eurocup Bahcesehir Kol.
69 - 56
25/01 Acb Granada
96 - 82
21/01 Eurocup Trento
86 - 100
11/01 Acb Morabanc Ando..
93 - 86
08/01 Eurocup Besiktas
93 - 70
30/12 Acb Gran Canaria
89 - 78
27/12 Acb Forca Lleida
92 - 72
02/02 Acb Real Madrid
86 - 73
29/01 Eurocup Buducnost
107 - 75
18/01 Acb Manresa
87 - 72
15/01 Eurocup Gran Canaria
77 - 83
05/01 Acb Barcelona
90 - 91
03/01 Eurocup Bc Wolves
91 - 80
22/12 Acb Leyma Coruna
85 - 94
08/12 Acb Granada
87 - 77
Tables Bahcesehir Kol. Joventut Badalona
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 3 5 8 4 4
Won 5 3 2 4 3 1
Lost 3 0 3 4 1 3
Average Points For 74.5 84.33 68.6 82.62 89.5 75.75
Average Points Against 78 79.67 77 87.38 85.5 89.25
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Bahcesehir Kol. Joventut Badalona
Super Ligi, Turkey Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 29 14 15
Won 10 5 5
Lost 19 9 10
Percentage 0.34 0.36 0.33
Record 10-19 5-9 5-10
Average Points For 80.9 81.64 80.2
Average Points Against 82.07 82.14 82
Difference -1.17 -0.5 -1.8
ACB, Spain Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 20 11 9
Won 13 9 4
Lost 7 2 5
Percentage 0.65 0.82 0.44
Record 13-7 9-2 4-5
Average Points For 85.4 88.09 82.11
Average Points Against 82.8 80.27 85.89
Difference 2.6 7.82 -3.78