Al Taawon vs Dbae

H2H statistics for Al Taawon vs Dbae: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Al Taawon vs Dbae Head-to-Head comparison.

Al Taawon vs Dbae H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Al Taawon Dbae
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 4 2 2 4 2 2
Won 2 2 0 2 2 0
Lost 2 0 2 2 0 2
Average Points For 85.75 96.5 75 82 82 82
Average Points Against 82 82 82 85.75 75 96.5

Form Statistics

Al Taawon Dbae
22/03 Premier League Dbae H
101 - 82
18/03 Premier League Al-Fateh H
77 - 103
14/03 Premier League Al Salam A
84 - 78
11/03 Premier League Al Safa Of Sa.. H
80 - 81
08/03 Premier League Al Khaleej A
88 - 72
12/02 Premier League Dbae A
89 - 79
02/02 Premier League Ohod H
63 - 85
26/01 Premier League Al Wehda A
100 - 83
22/03 Premier League Dbae
101 - 82
18/03 Premier League Al-Fateh
77 - 103
11/03 Premier League Al Safa Of Sa..
80 - 81
02/02 Premier League Ohod
63 - 85
19/01 Premier League Al Ittihad
87 - 96
05/01 Premier League Al-Hilal
84 - 114
22/12 Premier League Al Salam
59 - 71
17/11 Premier League Al Khaleej
68 - 87
14/03 Premier League Al Salam
84 - 78
08/03 Premier League Al Khaleej
88 - 72
12/02 Premier League Dbae
89 - 79
26/01 Premier League Al Wehda
100 - 83
22/01 Premier League Al Ahli
117 - 54
12/01 Premier League Al Nasr
89 - 70
29/12 Premier League Al-Fateh
97 - 62
15/12 Premier League Al Safa Of Sa..
88 - 61
22/03 Premier League Al Taawon A
101 - 82
18/03 Premier League Al Salam H
112 - 97
15/03 Premier League Al-Fateh A
115 - 79
11/03 Premier League Al Khaleej H
107 - 98
08/03 Premier League Al Safa Of Sa.. A
98 - 82
12/02 Premier League Al Taawon H
89 - 79
05/02 Premier League Al-Hilal H
90 - 136
02/02 Premier League Al Wehda H
83 - 102
18/03 Premier League Al Salam
112 - 97
11/03 Premier League Al Khaleej
107 - 98
12/02 Premier League Al Taawon
89 - 79
05/02 Premier League Al-Hilal
90 - 136
02/02 Premier League Al Wehda
83 - 102
29/01 Premier League Al Nasr
84 - 123
19/01 Premier League Al Ahli
54 - 103
22/12 Premier League Al-Fateh
54 - 112
22/03 Premier League Al Taawon
101 - 82
15/03 Premier League Al-Fateh
115 - 79
08/03 Premier League Al Safa Of Sa..
98 - 82
26/01 Premier League Ohod
122 - 105
22/01 Premier League Al Ittihad
98 - 72
15/12 Premier League Al Khaleej
81 - 29
10/11 Premier League Al Wehda
134 - 84
27/10 Premier League Al Ahli
101 - 68
Tables Al Taawon Dbae
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 4 4 8 5 3
Won 1 1 0 3 3 0
Lost 7 3 4 5 2 3
Average Points For 79.12 80.25 78 90.5 96.2 81
Average Points Against 89 87.75 90.25 103.25 102.4 104.67
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Al Taawon Dbae
Premier League, Saudi Arabia Total Home Away
Rank 12
Matches Played 22 11 11
Won 1 1 0
Lost 21 10 11
Percentage 0.05 0.09 0
Record 1-21 1-10 0-11
Average Points For 70.82 72.91 68.73
Average Points Against 93.95 92.27 95.64
Difference -23.13 -19.36 -26.91
Premier League, Saudi Arabia Total Home Away
Rank 11
Matches Played 21 11 10
Won 3 3 0
Lost 18 8 10
Percentage 0.14 0.27 0
Record 3-18 3-8 0-10
Average Points For 76.38 80.18 72.2
Average Points Against 103.81 101 106.9
Difference -27.43 -20.82 -34.7