Aktobe vs Pavlodar

H2H statistics for Aktobe vs Pavlodar: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Aktobe vs Pavlodar Head-to-Head comparison.

Aktobe vs Pavlodar H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Aktobe Pavlodar
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 6 4 2 6 2 4
Won 4 2 2 2 0 2
Lost 2 2 0 4 2 2
Average Points For 83.83 78 95.5 75.17 73.5 76
Average Points Against 75.17 76 73.5 83.83 95.5 78

Form Statistics

Aktobe Pavlodar
15/02 National League Atyrau A
14/02 National League Atyrau A
08/02 National League Astana 2 A
07/02 National League Astana 2 A
05/02 National League Pavlodar A
04/02 National League Pavlodar A
29/01 National League Almaty H
28/01 National League Almaty H
29/01 National League Almaty
28/01 National League Almaty
23/01 National League Kaspiy Aktau
22/01 National League Kaspiy Aktau
0 - 20
24/12 National League Tobol Kostanay
73 - 78
23/12 National League Tobol Kostanay
70 - 78
09/12 National League Pavlodar
63 - 67
08/12 National League Pavlodar
72 - 93
15/02 National League Atyrau
14/02 National League Atyrau
08/02 National League Astana 2
07/02 National League Astana 2
05/02 National League Pavlodar
04/02 National League Pavlodar
04/12 National League Kaspiy Aktau
83 - 70
03/12 National League Kaspiy Aktau
92 - 71
05/02 National League Aktobe H
04/02 National League Aktobe H
16/01 National League Irbis Almaty A
96 - 64
15/01 National League Irbis Almaty A
105 - 74
12/01 National League Almaty A
102 - 89
11/01 National League Almaty A
90 - 70
06/01 National League Tobol Kostanay A
89 - 75
05/01 National League Tobol Kostanay A
87 - 69
05/02 National League Aktobe
04/02 National League Aktobe
22/12 National League Irbis Almaty
69 - 79
21/12 National League Irbis Almaty
76 - 94
17/12 National League Kaspiy Aktau
62 - 70
16/12 National League Kaspiy Aktau
86 - 69
02/12 National League Astana 2
62 - 71
01/12 National League Astana 2
66 - 89
16/01 National League Irbis Almaty
96 - 64
15/01 National League Irbis Almaty
105 - 74
12/01 National League Almaty
102 - 89
11/01 National League Almaty
90 - 70
06/01 National League Tobol Kostanay
89 - 75
05/01 National League Tobol Kostanay
87 - 69
09/12 National League Aktobe
63 - 67
08/12 National League Aktobe
72 - 93
Tables Aktobe Pavlodar
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 0 0 0 6 0 6
Won 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost 0 0 0 6 0 6
Average Points For 0 0 0 73.5 0 73.5
Average Points Against 0 0 0 94.83 0 94.83
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Aktobe Pavlodar
National League, Kazakhstan Total Home Away
Rank 8
Matches Played 15 11 4
Won 3 3 0
Lost 12 8 4
Percentage 0.2 0.27 0
Record 3-12 3-8 0-4
Average Points For 72 70.55 76
Average Points Against 79.2 74.45 92.25
Difference -7.2 -3.9 -16.25
National League, Kazakhstan Total Home Away
Rank 7
Matches Played 22 12 10
Won 3 1 2
Lost 19 11 8
Percentage 0.14 0.08 0.2
Record 3-19 1-11 2-8
Average Points For 70.41 68.08 73.2
Average Points Against 85.86 85.42 86.4
Difference -15.45 -17.34 -13.2