Aix Maurienne vs Pau-Orthez

H2H statistics for Aix Maurienne vs Pau-Orthez: one-on-one comparison including the previous matches of the two basketball teams, team results from previous fixtures for both home and away games, comparison of team stats and results in their individual leagues, player stats for each team by points scored, rebounds, assists, steals and turnovers. View below the full statistics and data for the Aix Maurienne vs Pau-Orthez Head-to-Head comparison.

Aix Maurienne vs Pau-Orthez H2H statistics

🏀 Matches
Tables Aix Maurienne Pau-Orthez
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 3 2 1 3 1 2
Won 1 0 1 2 0 2
Lost 2 2 0 1 1 0
Average Points For 86.67 83 94 94 91 95.5
Average Points Against 94 95.5 91 86.67 94 83

Form Statistics

Aix Maurienne Pau-Orthez
10/01 Pro B Pau-Orthez H
93 - 98
27/12 Pro B St. Chamond A
94 - 89
20/12 Pro B Denain-Voltaire H
101 - 88
10/12 Pro B Chalons-Reims A
94 - 102
06/12 Pro B Orleans H
96 - 115
29/11 Pro B Antibes A
82 - 99
15/11 Pro B Boulazac H
80 - 91
11/11 French Cup Poitiers H
84 - 97
10/01 Pro B Pau-Orthez
93 - 98
20/12 Pro B Denain-Voltaire
101 - 88
06/12 Pro B Orleans
96 - 115
15/11 Pro B Boulazac
80 - 91
11/11 French Cup Poitiers
84 - 97
08/11 Pro B Roanne
92 - 81
01/11 Pro B Chartres
85 - 79
29/10 Pro B Poitiers
107 - 99
27/12 Pro B St. Chamond
94 - 89
10/12 Pro B Chalons-Reims
94 - 102
29/11 Pro B Antibes
82 - 99
05/11 Pro B Vichy
64 - 73
25/10 Pro B Rouen
78 - 90
18/10 Pro B Asa
100 - 89
15/10 French Cup Feurs
85 - 101
04/10 Pro B Caen
77 - 72
17/01 Pro B Nantes H
73 - 70
10/01 Pro B Aix Maurienne A
93 - 98
07/01 French Cup Paris H
78 - 107
27/12 Pro B Boulazac H
89 - 87
20/12 Pro B Poitiers A
77 - 72
13/12 Pro B Evreux H
84 - 67
06/12 Pro B Hyeres-Toulon H
72 - 76
29/11 Pro B Asa A
78 - 83
17/01 Pro B Nantes
73 - 70
07/01 French Cup Paris
78 - 107
27/12 Pro B Boulazac
89 - 87
13/12 Pro B Evreux
84 - 67
06/12 Pro B Hyeres-Toulon
72 - 76
15/11 Pro B Orleans
68 - 78
12/11 French Cup Strasbourg
94 - 86
05/11 Pro B Caen
76 - 85
10/01 Pro B Aix Maurienne
93 - 98
20/12 Pro B Poitiers
77 - 72
29/11 Pro B Asa
78 - 83
09/11 Pro B Ada Blois
102 - 105
29/10 Pro B Chartres
90 - 82
25/10 Pro B Chalons-Reims
84 - 78
11/10 Pro B Rouen
79 - 75
01/10 Pro B Nantes
84 - 89
Tables Aix Maurienne Pau-Orthez
Total Home Away Total Home Away
Games Played 8 5 3 8 5 3
Won 3 1 2 5 3 2
Lost 5 4 1 3 2 1
Average Points For 93 90.8 96.67 81.12 79.2 84.33
Average Points Against 94.88 97.8 90 81.88 81.4 82.67
Form Statistics are displayed and calculated based on the last 8 games played by each team.

Team Statistics

Aix Maurienne Pau-Orthez
Pro B, France Total Home Away
Rank 5
Matches Played 19 10 9
Won 12 7 5
Lost 7 3 4
Percentage 0.63 0.7 0.56
Record 12-7 7-3 5-4
Average Points For 90.58 93.8 87
Average Points Against 85.89 87.2 84.44
Difference 4.69 6.6 2.56
Pro B, France Total Home Away
Rank 8
Matches Played 20 11 9
Won 11 6 5
Lost 9 5 4
Percentage 0.55 0.55 0.56
Record 11-9 6-5 5-4
Average Points For 80.7 77.64 84.44
Average Points Against 80.5 78.09 83.44
Difference 0.2 -0.45 1